Written By Jueseppi B.
Today, on the 47th Anniversary Of The Historic March On Washington, a monumental event in the lives of all Americans, Glenn Beck & Sarah Palin, joined by thousands of their followers... ascended upon the D.C.Mall, where Dr. M.L. King gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech.
Beck/Palin/Followers don't have the same dream.
Beck/Palin/Followers don't have the same agenda.
Beck/Palin/Followers don't care about restoring anything do with do Honor.
Racists caucasians are scared, frightened, afraid. They are nervous, worried, jittery.
Why? That's a long story. Got a minute?
Slavery,...when you kidnap, steal, abduct a nation of people against their collective will, and pack them like sardines in the hold of a ship, then transport them over seas, losing 20 million on the voyage to America....you have nightmares when those people come back into power. I said "back" into power because people of color from the African Continent ruled this planet at one time. (Yes Sarah Palin, Africa IS A Continent.)
White people, or caucasians, thought they could "import" Free Africans to The Americas, force them to work for no pay, steal their children, rape and impregnate their women, beat and kill their brothers and sisters, abuse them as humans, and still control them. After all niggers are not very bright, they are lazy, evil, vile, shiftless, dishonest, criminal by their very nature. They are correct, that is the perfect description of a nigger.
The funny thing about labels is,...all manner of people, of any race, can be and are a nigger if they have those qualities I just named, in their character. White folks (caucasians) can are are also niggers.
After they "imported" Free Africans to The Americas, and got the slave women pregnant, and their wives started realizing a Negra Slave was sooooo much better in bed than their weak husbands,...the race line between Black slave and white slave master became very coffee colored. It started the demise of the "master race".
Racists caucasians killed the very "pure race" they so whine and worry about preserving today. As a result of this mixing of blood and race diluting...caucasians have no true pure bloodline in America today.
This scares racist caucasians, they are also scared shitless that the Black American is becoming stronger, more intelligent, more educated, more focused, and more determined to return to running this planet as they did once long ago. The birthplace of ALL civilization is the African Continent. (Yes Sarah Palin, Africa IS A Continent.)
Fear is what drives racism today. Fear Of A Black Planet. Fear of being treated exactly as the Free African slaves were treated over 400 years ago when they were forced onto the shores of The Americas. Remember, we American fear most that which we do not understand....and have no desire to understand.
Today's disrespectful display at the D.C. Mall was a shinning example of this racist fear.
Two ca$h cows who needed exposure, one for sinking TV ratings, and the other for her self promotion for book sales and ego, tried to make a mockery of the 47th Anniversary of The March On Washington. They Failed miserably.
True, Real Americans, will NOT stand with racist caucasians to return to times of slavery.
True, Real Americans will not support repeal of the progress made by all minorities, including women, people of color, the disabled, the LGBT community, immigrants or the mentally challenged.
We The People are the Real Americans, we are the backs onto which America was built.
We The people shouldered the progress and growth of America into a nation respected and envied by all the world.
We The people can and will continue to carry America forward, NOT "Back".
Be Afraid Racists caucasians. Be very Afraid.
"Disagree Intelligently, Use facts & Truth."
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