Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Muslim" The New "N-Word".

Written By Jueseppi B.

I can not take responsibility for today's title....that genius of a suggestion came from a FB Friend named Ms. Chenise Dodson.  An extremely intelligent woman....who just happens to be a Gorgeous Woman Of Color.

As you can probably guess from the title, the racist, evil, nasty RepubliCANTS/teabaggers & white supremacists of the "right", which they are not, has started throwing the term "Muslim" around as if that word is a negative.
 In My un-humble opinion, the word "Christian" has become more closely associated with terrorism, bullying, lying, sex scandals, loose morals, incorrect interpretation of the Scriptures and just down right racist evil thinking, than the word "Muslim" ever could symbolize. 

Let's face facts, "they" use the word "Muslim" in place of saying "nigger".

That's correct. Every right wingnut-job who sits on TV, on the Radio or in Print Media, and talks about  Muslim this and Muslim that, is secretly saying a word they don't have the cojones to use in public. The way in which they use the word "Muslim", when applying it to POTUS Obama is they are actually calling POTUS Obama a nigger. 
"They" can't duplicate the rant of Laura Schlesinger, or they run the risk of losing their jobs, so they have devised a way to call Obama a nigger without calling him a nigger. 

"Muslim" is the new nigger. 

My final thought on the new use of this ages old word, used by them, to say what they are too chickenshit to say out loud is...Why do racist Americans think being a Muslim is a negative? The Muslim's who practice Islam, are by far more moral, more respectful, more disciplined, pray more, and have a closer relationship to their Allah than most all Christians I know, or know of.
Some facts about Islam:
Some facts about Muslims:

Take the time to educate yourselves about Muslims & Islam. Get informed, THEN make a decision about the religion & the people. Do NOT listen to racist RepubliCANT/teabagger/white supremacists idiots who cloak themselves inside politics to further their hate filled agendas.
Being a Muslim is as proud and important and serious a thing to be, as is being a Christian, or a Catholic, or a Buddhist, or an Atheists or an Agnostic, or a Lutheran or, even, an Evangelical.

For all you Bible toting Christians....Judge Not, Lest Ye be Also Judged. Do Unto Others As You Would Have Then Do Unto You.

And STOP using The Word Muslim As "The New N-Word".

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

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