Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Guilty Acceptance Of Racism.

Written By Jueseppi B.

It appears that some RepubliCANTS, and some teabaggers, are not against blatant racism. It appears that it's ok to "associate" with well known racist white supremacists like the teabaggers as long as you don't get too close. 
I can remember POTUS Obama having to really distance himself from Pastor Wright because it was presumed that Pastor Wright was a racist in his beliefs and comments. My question is this....whats good and required for the POTUS is not also good and required of RepubliCANTS? If Reverend Wright was wrong and needed to be distanced from POTUS Obama, why is it OK for RepubliCANTS to associate, and campaign for teabagger candidates? Why have no RepubliCANTS, as a Party, come out to denounce the teabaggers and their racist, divisive, hateful, violence inciting rhetoric?  

It appears that on January 20th, 2008, a double standard was established in this nation.
The second U.S. Senator Barrack Hussein Obama became POTUS Barrack Hussein Obama, the rules of the game changed. It was very unacceptable to be close, or associated with or even talk to racists before the election. After the oath of office was taken by America's first Black POTUS, it was no longer unacceptable to remain silent while a upstart group of white supremacists (teabaggers) attempted to become a major political force in America though intimidation, threats and inciting brick throwing.

In "NO"vember, all Americans, who denounce racism, should stand together united, against silent racism. I think being silent is as awful as  spewing the racist hatred.
I am encouraged by the new friends I have cultivated on FaceBook. There are a surprisingly high number of intelligent, sane, sensible logical critical thinkers who are my friends. Together we will save this Nation from imploding. We are the reason to get up each morning to fight face racism.
Racism can NOT survive with education/respect/common sense & logic are used to eradicate it.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use facts & Truth."

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