Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

FaceBook Blocked Me From Posting To My Own Event.

Written By Jueseppi B,

The Power of the pen is MIGHTY!!

Warnings › I was blocked or disabledHide All

Blocked: You are unable to use a specific feature, but you can still access your account.

Facebook has policies to stop behavior that other users may find annoying or abusive. A block is set when Facebook systems determine that the user was adding friends or using a feature repeatedly in a short period of time after being warned to slow down. If your account is blocked, you will still be able to log on to Facebook, but you will not able to add friends or use a feature temporarily.

Facebook has policies to stop behavior that other users may find annoying or abusive. Even if you did not have this intention, Facebook systems have determined that you were repeatedly using the same feature in a short period of time.

Since you did not adhere to previous warnings, a temporary block was set on your account. Here's what you should keep in mind about your block:
  • This temporary block will last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
  • Attempting to use this feature while you are blocked can extend the block.
  • We cannot lift this block for any reason, so please be patient and refrain from using this feature for a few days while waiting for this block to be removed.
  • Once you are allowed to use this feature again, you must significantly slow down or stop this behavior. Further misuse of site features may result in more blocks or your account being permanently disabled.

Unfortunately, Facebook cannot provide any specifics on the rate limits that are enforced. The threshold at which you are warned is not a specific number, but rather determined by different factors, such as speed, time, and quantity.

Block! You are engaging in behavior that may be considered annoying or abusive by other users.

You have been blocked from posting on walls because you repeatedly misused this feature. This block will last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. When you are allowed to reuse this feature, please proceed with caution. Further misuse may result in your account being permanently disabled. For further information, please visit our FAQ page.
This really smells of RepubliCANT/teabagger Nazi Tactics to  Me. Why are my privileges blocked to post to an event wall that I created?
Could it be because the event is a GET OUT THE DEMOCRATIC VOTE EVENT?? Face Book Will Not STOP US......get out there and vote Democratic In "NO"Vember.
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth.

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