Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The FLOTUS & Her Vacation.

Written By Jueseppi B.

Today I am trying to be intelligent and sane and reasonable in my thinking. I am failing miserably. The "Hot Button" Topic today seems to be where, how, and why/whether First Lady Of The United States, Ms. Michelle Obama, is allowed to vacation. Is this grown Black woman, mother of two beautiful little girls, and wife to the most powerful man on the planet, is she allowed to think for herself about where she would like to take her daughter on a get away?
Should FLOTUS Michelle Obama, first, clear/run by/ask permission from the "pundits", the "experts", the "RepubliCANTS", the "teabaggers", her "critics", and all the "self proclaimed & very concerned assholes" who are guarding America's best interests, her plans before she makes them?

Fuck NO.

This woman owe's America NO explanation as to where, when, why or how she vacations. The very fact that anyone is writing about her vacation travels, in a negative manner, is in itself ludicrous.
Question....answer intelligently if at all possible.....has any reporter/journalists/media personality, ever questioned where the FLOTUS Bush's (both of them), or the FLOTUS Clinton, or the FLOTUS Reagan, or the FLOTUS Carter, etc, etc, have gone on their many vacations? If there have been any written, negative, articles on this, apparently very important subject, please send them to me at

It appears, to my way of thinking, this is just another attack of overt racial disparity. Nothing this POTUS or this FLOTUS does is acceptable to racist/RepubliCANT/teabagger American citizens. What they do on their own private time away from the White House is not even allowable if you believe what the "assholes" have to say.
The way she dresses is under question....and she has more style/grace/class/intelligence than any of the past 43 FLOTUS, YES, including Jackie O.

Fact: FLOTUS Obama paid for her & her daughter's vacation expenses, Excluding Secret Service Fees. How many past FLOTUS have done that??

If you racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers/caucasians are going to criticize this FLOTUS, please back the criticism up some real facts and truth, otherwise you all resemble jackasses and sore losers and plain old backwoods red necks.

"Disagree Intelligently with Facts & Truth"

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