This shocks me, nothing much does these days but this shocks me.
The RepubliCANT Strategy to remove POTUS Barack Hussein Obama from office is to use an obstructionist tactic that will cripple America and it's very governmental progress.
"They" tried the "birther method' and that failed, then "they" tried the "impeachment method" but that dies out also. Now comes the "make him fail method".
RepubliCANTS, and their white supremacists splinter group known as the tea party, (who will herein be called teabaggers ), have adopted an obstructive tactic to keep any and all legislation brought to the floor of both legislatives houses from being voted on by members of Congress & the Senate. In the Senate, it is the use of the filibuster, in Congress it is burying of the bill in committee.
First what the filibuster is...The filibuster is a historical method used to delay vote or block debate in the Senate. Some call it unconstitutional, unfair, a historical relic. Others insist that it is a tool that protects the rights of the minority against the tyranny of the majority.
Here's how it works:
Any legislation sent to either floor of either legislative House (Congress or Senate) gets bottled up either by filibuster in the Senate, or by "shelving" it in committee in the Congress. This is why it takes weeks and sometimes months to get important legislation the Unemployment Benefits Extension Bill, Or Health Care Reform,or anything these RepubliCANT/teabaggers think will make POTUS Obama look good to voters in "NO"vember. This is called obstructionist government, and cripples America. It also hurts those most in need of the basic things these bills provide for ALL Americans.
This is all about race and skin color.
If POTUS Obama were a caucasian in the "White" House, as were the past 43 POTUS, this "just say NO" to anything Obama does would not be in effect.
This POTUS has been in office 562 days, and his list of accomplishments are gigantic.
To see them, use this link,
Now the reason for all these obstructionist government tactics by the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers is simple. Keep Obama from accomplishing any of his agenda, make him appear a loser to those sitting on the fence about voting for him, and you will effectively remove him from office. In the meantime America suffers from a government that gets nothing accomplished. Appointments don't get confirmed, much needed bills do not get passed and signed into law, social programs that millions of unemployed and needy Americans need to survive do NOT get approved.
All because this POTUS is a "nigger".
Thats right, I used the "N" word. Every white supremacists teabagger, and the RepubliCANTS who support them, want to call the POTUS that word, and some have the balls to do just that. It is because this POTUS is a Black man, it does not matter he is the most diplomatic, savvy, intelligent, moral and humane POTUS in MY lifetime, he is a Black man, a "nigger". He has no "right" to be in the "White" House. It is because of his skin color that he is inappropriate (in the minds of racist morons) for the position of POTUS.
So let's clog up all government progress until we remove him from office in 2012.
Lets ignore 69 million American voters and their majority voice spoken in November of 2008.
Lets obstruct all government business, and in the precess harm all Americans, just so we can make this "nigger" look bad, and remove him from the Office Of The President Of The United States.
Can You imagine where we would be today with McCain/Palin in the "White" House?
Remember This Obstructionists Government Strategy In "NO"vember.
Vote Democratic In "NO"vember.
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth"
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