Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Horror Of Illegal Immigration.

Written By Jueseppi B.

Taken from the Faux site.....

Tea Party Seeks to Spotlight the 'Horrors' of Illegal Immigration

Published August 03, 2010


The Tea Party is pushing back against what it sees as a campaign by Obama supporters and the media to grant amnesty to the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. by highlighting the "horrors" of illegal immigration.The Tea Party Nation sent an e-mail to about 35,000 members Tuesday morning asking them to post stories in a new forum about illegal immigrants victimizing Americans either by taking their jobs, committing crimes or undermining businesses by providing cheap labor to their competitors.

"The drum beat for Amnesty is here," the e-mail read. "The Obama Regime and the drive-by media are pushing Amnesty with stories about illegals who are just here 'to make a better life' for themselves. The media is ignoring stories of the horrors of illegal immigration."The group also asks members to share photos or videos of "illegals or their supporters doing outrageous things (like burning the American flag or putting the Mexican flag above ours, or showing racist posters.)""We sent this out because there are two sides to this story," Judson Phillips, president of the Tea Party Nation, told "Illegal immigration has a huge and horrible cost."

Now allow me to state some facts...

The 11 million illegal immigrants living AND working in the United States Of America, are here to do jobs common everyday Americans turn their nose up at doing. (more about this in a moment) The 11 million illegal immigrants who risk life and limb to cross into America are not interested in breaking the law, or getting involved in any way with law enforcement, BECAUSE THEY ARE ILLEGAL. They realize breaking the law, other than being here illegally, will get them discovered and deported. So common sense tells me, the majority of crime RepubliCANTS/teabaggers wish to lay at the feet of illegal immigrants is another RepubliCANT/teabagger LIE.

The Spanish speaking population that crosses into America over our southern borders didn't cause 9/11 did they? The Mexicans from South of the border were not just exchanged with Russia and suspected for crimes of spying, (and here illegally for over 20 years), were they? NO, all those illegals came from entrance points into the United States of America OTHER than the Southern borders!! AND THEY WERE NOT MEXICAN EITHER.

Let's call a spade a spade shall we....racist caucasians RepubliCANTS/teabaggers want the Southern borders closed to keep out potential new American citizens who will most certainly vote Democratic. That is exactly why there is a push by these same scared politicians, to repeal the law that allows children of illegal immigrants "born on American soil" to instantly become "American Citizens". They would then also become Democrats. Sounds far fetched? It ain't.

How many caucasian kids you see busing tables in your favorite restaurant?How many caucasian kids do you see picking the fruit/vegetables you buy in your local grocery store? How many caucasians do you notice working for lawn care services? How many caucasian women do you see cleaning hotel rooms at our finest hotels? How many caucasians have you notices working as maids, or nannies for the "wealthy" families?

Ever think how these positions would be filled if all the criminal illegal immigrants were kicked out of America??

"Disagree Intelligently with Facts & Truth"

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