Written By Jueseppi B.
Common Sense Says:
If POTUS Obama is a Muslim, what does that mean? Can anyone who is in opposition to him being a Muslim please explain the difference between Obama being a Muslim and being a Christian? Or a Buddhist? Or an Agnostic? Or an Atheists? Or a Methodists?
Common Sense Says:
If The Stimulus Package Program put millions of people to work and boosted national output by hundreds of billions of dollars in the second quarter, and boosted real GDP in the quarter by between 1.7 percent and 4.5 percent, adding at least $200 billion in economic activity, why are the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers against it?
Common Sense Says:
When does the First Amendment right apply to ALL religious places of worship, and when does it NOT apply to places of worship we don't like? Who decides which religion we like and which religion we don't want the First Amendment to include?
Common Sense Says:
Do the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers really think us Americans who voted for POTUS Obama are not intelligent enough to recognize their tactics of obstructing government, to make OUR choice for Leader of this nation, look bad to voters come "NO"vember 2012? We Won't Forget.
Common Sense Says:
Why are there soooooo many unqualified, uninformed, and unintelligent candidates for public elected offices in the RepubliCANT/teabagger party? Why do they wish to remove all the programs set up by past POTUS to support Americans?
Common Sense Says:
If "We The People" want to take America Forward,.....
If "We The People" wish to remain on the path to recovery after eight years of Dubbya crippling our nation,....
If "We The People" need to continue to repair our economy, and create jobs....
"We The People" MUST stand UNITED.
"We The People" Must Show we want the Truth & Facts.
"We The People" Will Shout Proudly & Loudly, Our Support For POTUS Obama.
"We The People" Shall Vote democratic In "NO"vember.
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."
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