Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Nazi Israel & Her Sympathizers.

Written By Jueseppi B.

This addition of the Erase Racism Now rant, will be written in red....BLOOD RED, to symbolize exactly how the soil of Israel is looking these days.
I have come across a few Israel sympathizers who are "offended" by my postings and my photos depicting Nazi Israel as the murder's of innocent women/men/children. 
Here's a solution for all those who are offended by the truth and the reporting of current about you, and the entire world, but especially The United States Of America, get offended by the genocide of the Palestinian people? 

Let me see....should we be offended by my words against Nazi Israel....or be offended by the removal of food and water from Palestinian people? Should we be offended by my avatar on Facebook, or my photos posted on Facebook, that are negative to Nazi Israel's reputation, or.....should we be offended by the disconnecting of electricity to the homes of Palestinians? How's this one for offensive....the Nazi Israeli Navy can massacre 9 humanitarian volunteers aboard an aid flotilla, all captured on video, and still have nothing done to them for the murder of those 9 humans. ONE was an American! Shot thru the back of his head, execution style. If you want to be offended by something....choose something worth being offended over. I could give you example after example of unacceptable atrocities committed against  Palestine. Look them up on You-Tube.  

I have done the research, the digging up of facts, I have done my homework, and know full well whats going on in Israel. Nine years of "covert" service in Uncle Sam's employment making sure this world was safe for "democracy". What a joke. 5 years spent in the Middle East. America supports Nazi Israel for the security it THINKS Nazi Israel will provide in that region. False assumption America. Once America removes her head from Nazi Israel's anus and can see clearly what's happening in Israel, all based on a Bible Prophecy, America just might help Palestine gain her freedom from Nazi Israel.
Then again, maybe not. closing, if you find yourself offended by anything a person is doing against Nazi Israel's oppression of Palestine, stop and ask yourself this......
What Would Jesus Do??

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

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