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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The First Amendment

Written By Jueseppi B.

There appears to be some question as to whether Ms. Laura Schlessinger had her First
Amendment rights violated, when the out cry over her usage of the word nigger, on her radio show, was responsible for her "quitting" her day job. I personally think she should be able to use the word nigger, I use it as I see fit. I am no better than Ms. Laura Schlessinger. Except that I am no racist.
The only problem I see with this supposed "violation" of her First Amendment  rights is that there was no violation of her First Amendment rights.

Here are five facts about Dr. Laura and the First Amendment:

 The First Amendment protects us from the government, and not from other Americans who disagree with what we have to say. “Congress shall make no law” — the first five words of the First Amendment — say it all: No government body can limit our rights to speak out. In this case, there’s no government action, just public outrage and pressure.

 Boycotts are also protected by the First Amendment. Dr. Laura complains about being “bullied” by those who might pressure her radio affiliates or advertisers, but boycotts are a time-honored use of the First Amendment to address perceived wrongs and have played a role in virtually every social movement in American history.

 Efforts to punish controversial speech comes from the right and the left. It’s true that liberal organizations are attacking Dr. Laura for use of the racial epithet, just as conservative organizations burned Dixie Chicks CDs when Natalie Maines told a London audience that she was embarrassed that President Bush came from Texas. Politicians and interest groups of all stripes consistently seek to limit the other side’s free speech.

 The marketplace of ideas and the marketplace are different things. We tend to take a romantic view of a nation in which we’re all free to speak, which thereby enriches “the marketplace of ideas.” In the marketplace, however, economic rules apply. Controversial comments can be rewarded with a growing audience or punished by unsettled advertisers. Speech is free; airtime is not.

 Dr. Laura’s First Amendment rights are alive and well. Although she’s leaving her radio show, she says she’ll continue to share her views through public speaking, TV interviews, in print, online, and in a new book due in January, all made possible by the First Amendment.

So,....according to this excerpt from the First Amendment rights itself, the explanation is clear. Stupid Sarah Palin is once again dead wrong and misinformed about The U. S. Constitution. I suggest she, and those like her, get a copy of this document and read it from cover to cover.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

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