Written By Jueseppi B.
Remember In "NO"vember:
Do Not forget all the obstructing of bills the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers were responsible for, bills that needed to become laws for the sake and well being of ALL Americans. Unemployment Benefits Extension, Health Care Reform, Student Loan Reform, Wall Street Reform,... this list is endless. Vote for the party who wants to reform all that is wrong with America. Vote Democratic In "NO"vember.
Remember In "NO"vember:
Racist propaganda is being used daily to discredit POTUS Obama. His faith is being called into question each day. Why? Does separation of church and state not apply if the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers decide to spew hatred, rhetoric and lies using religion and politics? In America, one's religion has nothing to do with one's politics, OR his/her ability to govern. Vote for the party who believes in Freedom of Religion & The First Amendment. Vote Democratic In "NO"vember.
Remember In "NO"vember:
RepubliCANTS/teabaggers say they will "tweak" or "take a look at" or "remove altogether", Social Security, IF they win a majority in "NO"vember. If the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers gain control of either The Congress or The Senate after the mid term elections, they have said they will move from the party of "NO" to the party of "Repeal". Every single thing POTUS Obama and his administration has accomplished in 21 months in office will be overturned, wiped out, gone. Vote for the party that wants change for your betterment, change for better lives for you and your loved ones. Vote Democratic In "NO"vember.
Remember In "NO"vember:
If you are an American who has benefited in any way from any program, law, resolution idea, legislation, appointment, ordinance, or ruling that POTUS Obama, or his White House administration was responsible for.....If you believe religion is a freedom ALL Americans deserve,....If you hate racist, and racial discrimination,....if you want an America that is for ALL people of ALL skin colors,......If you truly believe America is the Home Of The Free & Land Of The Brave,.....If you want America to continue to Move Forward and NOT Be Taken "BACK",..... Vote for the party that also believes in THIS type of America. Vote Democratic In "NO"vember
Proudly & Loudly Supporting Barack Hussein Obama!!
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth".
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