I thought it as important for you to read the 34 comments that followed the blog I posted earlier....again, this is NOT for promoting this racists hatred filled web site blog....but to inform.
Anonymous said...
- That Obongo monkey graphic is genuinely disturbing.
Anonymous said...
- Well said, as usual...
BLU-82 said...
- I guess that he/they are planning an cataclysmic economic disaster that will make the latest economic downturn look like heaven. It will soon be implemented, probably before the year 2012 , and will ignite an world war of doomsday dimensions.
Anonymous said...
- looks like this site is the GOP's
Anonymous said...
- I too am a old republican white man. I have worked hard since I was young but now I can barely afford health insurance and year after year it increases in cost by 10-20%--INSANITY! , see my income decrease year after year, and my hope of a secure future fading. I want change-the status quo is not working--this country run by rich white men have no idea of the struggles I go through. Blame Obama, but nobody can do as bad a job as the incompetent fool we just had for 8 years.
Anonymous said...
- Literally LM Fucking AO.....Sweet!
Anonymous said...
- laughing my fucking ass off. seriously. love the pic
Anonymous said...
- That disgusting she-boon with a staff of 26 makes mwe sick.
Anonymous said...
- I think you are wrong about the Jews. He has proven that he hates them. I think his masters are Islamic terrorists.
Anonymous said...
- can i say something..... nigger, nigger, porch monkey, jigaboo, spear chucker..... get out of the WHITE HOUSE...
Anonymous said...
- Get the FUCK out of the White House you UGLY, WORTHLESS NIGGER
Anonymous said...
- You are a stupid group of mutherfuckers. Our Black president Obama doesn't give a fuck what shit you little dick motherfuckers are talking about. He is your commander and chief. If you keep this fucking bullshit page up he may pimp slap you with his big black dick and ram a fucking Bradley tank up your white assholes while having your ass salute the flag of ISLAM BITCH. You anonymous fucks who run these blogs are fucking cowards. If you got in my face with the shit you promote I'd kick your fucking little balls in you call brains. Bitch ass motherfucking ass homo ass bitches. Fuck you and your nasty whore ass grandma. How's that for free speech? Punk ass motherfuckers. Don't forget THE BLACKMAN IS THE ORIGINAL MAN. You white motherfuckers descended from my daddy's BIG BLACK DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said...
- Fuck you nigger...and well said brother love the pic. here i am almost a year after you posted this blog originally and its becoming blatant you hit that nail on the head
Anonymous said...
- To the last generation of Americans -Thanks to you neo-lib white guilt there in now a communist invader in the White House.Whatever happens next is your own fault! 1984
Anonymous said...
- Once Col.Lakin gets court martialed,he gets discovery. When Hawaii is forced to admit that there is no birth certificate,the jig will be up.............and gone!
Anonymous said...
- You will rot in hell.
Anonymous said...
- Eight years of a never elected, weak and stupid shaved monkey, Viet Nam deserting, can't read at a fourth grade level, and found an impotant invisible jewish zombie at the bottom of a whisky bottle after a lifetime of utter failure, closeted homosexual "bottom" who sucked off more Saudi cock than a male escort and you only have hatred for the black man who was actually elected by the people?... I only hope and prey that your entire family: Your mother, father, children, etc, all die in front of your face. After all, my hatred for low I.Q. trailer park dumb fucks like you is as real as yours is against blacks and smart people who don't blow your imaginary friend in the sky. I gladly spend my time ripping off knuckledragging red necks like yourself with the goal of watching a nice white FAUX news watching christian family die on the street after I take them for everything they have. And I'm damn good at it! Been doing it for many years now. I promise to piss myself laughing if you or your family gets cancer, dies in a drive-by, gets hit by a drunk driver, or swallows a bad load of AIDS infested cum while blowing strange men in a public men's room "republican style", so please keep me posted.
Anonymous said...
- HAhahaha, funny how pissed some blacks get about all this. HA, the original man, the black man...LOL, what a stupid fuck! Ya know, whether Obama likes the jews or not they are his master. At times you can see that he hates that. He too thought that HE alone would get to control the country, what a putz. The jews have major plans and Obama would not be in office if they thought he would be a problem for them. BTW, Love the pic.....LMAO!!!!! ~Kitty
Anonymous said...
- That picture is EPIC!! Some of the comments are typical. Liberals will tell you to burn in hell. Nigs will say "mah dick" (because they lack the intelligence to counter your argument.) And white conservatives hang their head in shame. Barry sure is screwing things up big time. I hear the music of revolution coming and it isn't going to be pretty. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Anonymous said...
- @ Anonymous #12 - Maybe you should try keeping the ribs AWAY from the keyboard. That way, you won't spill BBQ sauce on it while you're trying to type.
Anonymous said...
- lol I like this blog. It will undoubtedly piss off a lot of silverbacks and brainwashed whites. Keep up the good work buddy! Fuck Obama.
Anonymous said...
- > "you will rot in hell" There ain't one, son.
V said...
- The fucking pedorast child-rapist that write this blog should be cut in 101 pieces and fed to dogs. Go ahead and quote me, you Nazi scumbag. You can shout "National SOCIALIST" all you want - but it's Free Republic people like you that are the real Nazis. You speak just like them.
Anonymous said...
- YOU HAVE BEEN REPORTED. I hope that they take this hate site done soon. READ THE FREAKIN' GUIDELINES! To quote them: "Is hateful material permitted on Blogger? "Blogger strongly believes in freedom of speech. We believe that having a variety of perspectives is an important part of what makes blogs such an exciting and diverse medium. With that said, there are certain types of content that are not allowed on Blogger. While Blogger values and safeguards political and social commentary, material that promotes hatred toward groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity is not allowed on Blogger." Your blog is hate speech, and should be taken down.
Steve said...
- Spot on, HAC. I would only disagree with the "treasonous" comment. By definition he cannot be treasonous since this was founded as a white Christian nation, the 14th amendment was illegally passed, and therefore the Kenyan wouldn't be qualified to hold office even were he born here, which he wasn't. He is an alien in every sense of the word and yes, if not removed that chimp will destroy what is left of the shredded, white USA
Steve said...
- The USA is run by New World Order JEWS, not white men.. Wake the hell up!
Steve said...
- And to you anti white niggers and other scum.. believe me, you have no idea the hell that will be unleashed on you when angry whites finally rise up. The communist revolution you hope for (against us) will be your undoing and you will drown in your fellow scum's blood. I stand ready to do my part
Grimoir of Stormfront said...
- We here in England see the foul works of the hominid-in-chief and even though we know he has destroyed millions of White lives,we weep with joy at the sight of the libtards and other system pigs getting all embarrassed and flustered about the shambles they have enabled. "Equality" had it`s big chance and it has proven for all (who are honest)to see that is nothing but a fraudulent bag of anti-White shit. 14/88
Red Green said...
- The Lone Haranguer is one of the most brilliant commentators on the internet today. Kudos to HAC for giving him this opportunity to shine.
Martin Tolliver said...
- Obongo is not a legitimate president. He was elected by massive vote fraud on the part of ACORN, with the help of millions in illegal campaign contributions from George Soros, and he is not even a natural born citizen of the United States as required by the Constitution, having been born in Kenya to a Kansas-born prostitute. None of his enactments are legal and everything he does will have to be undone by future legitimately elected administrations.
Steve said...
- Few seem to know this but Obongo's mother was a jewess.. this is what got him in tight with the jewish NWO Illuminati crowd, and they promoted him from pond scum to the highest office in the USA
Anonymous said...
- Domestic primates, even assist animals need papers to document birth, imported, or domestic breed.
Will Rogers said...
- Did Michelle ever get her flea problem taken care of?
The Old Man said...
- Yeah, I'd forgotten about that one. For those of you who have discovered this post and are just fascinated by it all, try this on for size: http://downwithjugears.blogspot.com/2008/06/michelle-has-fleas.html
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