Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Common Sense Says:

Written By Jueseppi B,

Common Sense Says:
I am not a huge fan of Oprah's, and I will not be saddened in any way over her leaving Network Television. Why? Because Oprah provided Sarah Palin with a forum/platform to promote her racist hate filled anti-Obama works of fiction she is promoted as a book. Sarah Palin has enough free publicity through the ratings inspired media, she does not need a major Black personality to provide her with free air time to promote racist divisive ideology.
Get A Clue Ms. Winfrey.

Common Sense Says: 
On the 17th floor, of the south tower, of the World Trade Center, was a prayer room for Muslims to hold prayer service each day. Muslims pray 5 times a day or more, so those Muslims working in the World Trade Center, were provided a place to worship, INSIDE the very "Hollowed Ground Zero" that is now causing so much controversy because somebody has decided to build an Islamic Cultural Center  two blocks away from "Ground Zero".
Am I the only one who sees the irony here?

Common Sense Says:
When the "RepubliCANTS/Teabaggers/Conselfishservatives/Reich wingnuts/racists caucasians/white supremacists groups" do away with Social Security, "IF" they win a majority in both Houses this "NO"vember, as they have repeatedly said they will....What exactly will happen to those receiving SSI Checks?? What happens to those Americans who have paid into the Social security System all their adult working lives?
We All Better Vote Democratic In "NO"vember...unless you want to find out what will happen!

Common Sense Says:
Could a Christian, preferably one who hates Islam/Muslims, explain to me why he/she/it believes that in America, where ALL Americans have the freedom of choice concerning Religion,  Christians strongly believe people who practice Islam and are Muslims, should be treated as terrorists, or that they should be denied the freedom to BE Muslims and worship Allah? Do Christians understand that ALL Christians are followers of Christ? Do Christians understand who Christ was and what he was about?

Common Sense Says:
Let's forget the right/wrong issue on the occupation of Gaza by the Palestinians, and Israel's efforts to hold onto Israel for Israelis....Lets talk human lives lost. For a strip of land, for some dirt, rocks, weed and bushes these two, once great, Nations are killing each other off. The bigger picture here is the innocent slaughter of human beings. STOP the slaughter of humans...It's only dirt.

Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

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