Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Friday, September 17, 2010

America Is SO Phucked!! Vol.2

Written By Jueseppi B.

This is a quote taken directly from a very good FB friend.....

"It sickens me to see and read the things that are being said about OUR President of the United States! Racism has been set back fifty years or more... all because the United States of America elected its first BLACK President! How sad but true is that? Nothing he has done or will ever do is enough to earn his respect... NOTHING... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! These lying, hate & fear monger propagandists have made a mockery of this nation! I'm embarrassed to admit I'm an American! That's how bad it has gotten! It shames me to know that there are so many "Americans" who don't and never will have an iota of respect for OUR President! Total and utter shame!!!"

Now I have read many posts exactly like this one from many of my friends. America is in such a state of hate against the single best POTUS since Mr. Jimmy Carter. POTUS Obama AND his family have been under attack from withing the United States borders since he decided to become a candidate for President. His religion has been attacked, his birth right has been attacked, his daughters have been attacked, children I am talking about, his wife has been slandered for what she wears when most of American women wished they had her style and grace, In my opinion, she makes Jackie O look ordinary. POTUS Obama's parents have been attacked, his choice of blue jeans has been attacked, his agenda for bringing America back from moral and financial bankruptcy is constantly under attack.
This is The President Of The United States Of America we are talking about.
Our POTUS....that 69 million Americans elected 25 months ago.

George Dubbya Bush, massacred, maimed, tortured and killed thousands of human beings in his 8 years in office. He stole money and diverted it to friends and cronies, he misused and abused his power of the office of President for personal gain. Dubbya put this once great nation into moral and financial bankruptcy. Dubbya's thievery of the 2004 Presidential Election with the help of brother Jeb Bush, then Governor of Florida. is legendary.  Dubbya also started two illegal wars. 

BUT....George Dubbya Bush was NEVER hated as much or in the way that POTUS Obama AND his family are hated.
How many Americans will be better off because of POTUS Obama's Health Care Reform, Wall Street Reform, Student Loan Reform, Wall Street Bail Out, General Motors Bail Out, and the many upon many achievements he has fought tooth and nail against an obstructionists Congress & Senate of RepubliCANTS/teabaggers to accomplish?
For a list of these hard fought accomplishments visit this web site.....

Now for the $64,000.00 question why POTUS Obama is so hated by all the many "RepubliCANTS/Teabaggers/Conselfishservatives/Reich wingnuts/racists caucasians/white supremacists groups"..........HIS SKIN COLOR.
POTUS Barack Hussein Obama is a Black American.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

1 comment:

  1. Just today I came across a most vicious hatrul, racist, anti Obama, anti American, anti freedom website owned by an alledged 'christian" who called our President a fascist and made other claims including 'his intensions for "our children" that I won't repeat. I was so morally offended I had to get back here and ask you to please check this hate mongers site out yourself, The lies were so disturbing I had to close the page, it's owners name appears as David J. Stewart and the website is as follows. Don't let the name fool you and what this "person" has to say about gay and black people, including our beloved President will make any sane person furious!! The BOLD FACED LIES are the worse, this guy doesn't just insinuate..but don't believe me..Want to see real racial hatred and propaganda and anti human, anti rights website, using "God" as their wing nut..go to this site. Better yet, explose it. I am. I was appauled!!
