Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Not Just Another Labor Day

Written By Jueseppi B.

Ok, I realize this is Labor Day, and we are all busy with BBQ's and family picnics and outdoor fun on this the last day before summer ends for most of us. I understand that this holiday means nothing to the average American who goes to work at 6am every morning and drags home every evening tired and beat up.
News are a working living breathing American with a job!! So many of Americans don't have a job. You are blessed.

Unemployment is at a high percentage now days and the lines for any job opening are humongous. There are a lot of reasons why this economy is bad and jobs are hard to find, so if you have a job on this Labor Day, thank whomever it is you worship, or don't worship, that you have a job. Most who are jobless, wish to blame the current POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama for their situation. That is like blaming a 5 year old for the sins of his father. POTUS Obama was nowhere on the National political scene when this mess was created. We KNOW who is responsible but we will keep this positive.

If you have a job, and are working and making a living, it is because of a blessing and some hard work on your part. Be very grateful, a lot of Americans are not as fortunate as you. While BBQing and drinking that ice cold beer, and eating and dancing and enjoying your family and friends, take a few moments and thank yourself and your God that you are employed. If you don't believe in a God...thank your non God just the same.

POTUS Obama has accomplished some things to make attaining and holding a job a lot easier......

  • The administration took important steps to fight gender discrimination in the workplace by signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law.
  • According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, once the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented, 95 percent of American workers will have health insurance through their jobs—an increase of 10 percent from current rates.
  • President Obama created the cabinet-level White House Task Force on Middle Class—chaired by the Vice President—to improve the living standards of those families. (You can learn more about the task force and administration proposals and achievements here (PDF).
  • The Recovery Act included tax relief for working people and invested in job creation, education, health care, and infrastructure across the country.
Let's work to keep this administration in office this "NO"vember. Vote Democratic and spread the facts and truth about the good deeds and accomplishments done by this POTUS. Be grateful you have a job and vote Democratic to ensure more Americans are put to work in the future. 
Have A Happy & Safe & Fun Filled Labor Day.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth," 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Labor Day to you too! Oftentimes I do get caught up in feeling tired and dreading work and the routine of it all. But, I do have a lot to be thankful for and sometimes we all need reminding of that. :) I hope the summer was good to you and now we all need to focus on the Fall and the nearing elections!
