Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Divide & Conquer.

Written By Jueseppi B.

The following is my part ONLY of a conversation between myself and some friends on FB, that occurred this morning. I refuse to write this entire thought process of mind out in long hand all over again...once was enough. Follow along, maybe you can understand why this is a disaster for ALL Democrats.

The following are the remarks of Sec. Of State Hillary Clinton:

Has the Democratic Presidential Primary of 2012 started already? Is Hillary Clinton beginning to position herself for a challenge to her boss? Yesterday, Hillary fired what may have been the first shot:

She said:

"I think that our rising debt level poses a national security threat and it poses a national security threat in two ways: it undermines our capacity to act in our own interests and it does constrain us where constraint may be undesirable. And it also sends a message of weakness, internationally."

Sorry this is so long...but it is a compilation of a conversation I had this morning, it explains why this is harmful to ALL Democrats.

It sickens me Jim. This will divide the Democratic party...and the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers know this. This is a gift straight to the GOP.
This would be a mistake because Hillary is very divisive, she would never untie Democrats. The same exact thing that happened when America rejected Mr. Jimmy Carter because he refused to attack Iran in 78/79 and resulted in 8 years of Ronnie...will happen in 2012 if Hillary splits the party apart. Obama needs his two terms, just like Dubbya had....I would move to another country if this comes to pass.History always repeats itself unless we learn from our past mistakes.

Hillary Clinton is a "do as i say or kiss my ass" type of personality. There is not one diplomatic bone in her body. I would not be surprised if the RepubliCANTS are not responsible for "this". The only way to stop Obama's re-election is by scandal or divide and conquer.

Just by attempting to run against Obama in 2012 divide the party. First off she is HIS Sec. Of State. Second, she just lost to him in why not wait to do her thing in 2016? It is divisive, no way it could NOT be divisive. It is mostly selfish though, she is not thinking about the party but about herself.

This is exactly what I mean by divide & conquer...this conversation between Ms. Huff, Jim, and I is going to replay all over this nation. Obama's supporters, who are his supporters because he is the Democratic Choice but really were Hillary supporters, will split and return to supporting Hillary. Then they will be pissed that she loses again in the Primary. She won't be able to continue as Sec. Of she will be out of the White House again. Her supporters will be bitter, like she was after losing in 2008, and they won't support POTUS Obama this time around in 2012. Thus the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers will walk away with the Presidency in 2012 by sitting back and doing nothing.
It is perfect. Mission Accomplished

It is the duty of ALL Americans who vote Democrat and are members of the Democratic Party to fight this tooth and nail right now. I state above what this will do to ALL Democrats...believe me....this is handing over the Office Of The President Of The United States to the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

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