Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Party Pride, Don't Be Fooled.

Written By Jueseppi B.

Growing up as a child, I can remember the political times that helped shape my position  on issues today. I was a Democrat, and proud of that fact, from my first intelligent observation of the differences between a Democrat and a RepubliCANT. I was proud to walk into a polling place and vote Democratic, and vote a straight Democratic ticket was how we did things back then. I'm from Chicago...RepubliCANTS were seen on the streets of Chicago almost as much as aliens from Jupiter. But not quite.

We knew a RepubliCANT candidate by their "red colors" displayed on posters, flyers, banners, hats, tee shirts and buttons. Blue was the color for the mighty Democrats. The Party Affiliation was crystal clear. On every thing associated with a candidate was the Party Affiliation. NOT today. Campaign ads in all media, and on most all campaign literature these days is non party affiliation descriptive.  "Non party affiliation descriptive" is college educated speak for hiding your party affiliation to confuse American voters into voting for the wrong candidate. Are, We The People, actually this stupid? 

I see signs for RepubliCANTS that are blue, I see signs for Democrats that are red, (Although I see the RepubliCANTS color stealing in Cedar Rapids much more often than The Democrats), I see all types of web sites, campaign paraphernalia, campaign literature that mention, not one time, what party affiliation a candidate has.  Can our politicians running for office really think we Americans can be fooled that easily? 
Can We?? 

This coming "NO"vember 2nd, 2010, a Tuesday that will mark the future of America, is a vital day in election history.  Democrats MUST retain control of the majority in BOTH Houses of Legislation or America will be headed in Reverse. 
Here's a suggestion...Do some research, learn about your local candidates, make intelligent, truthful fact based choices on whom to give your vote to in these all important mid-term elections.

Here's a hint....if you have ever cashed a Social Security check, or cashed an unemployment check, if you have ever been denied health care because of a pre-existing medical condition, if you have college students in your family, or are yourself a student with loans, if you ever lost money because of bankers or Wall Street financiers, if you are a woman who wants to retain rights/control over your own body, if you want the civil rights amendment to continue, if you hate racism, if you want this POTUS to continue to get his/our agenda accomplished, if you believe the LGBT community has the same rights as "normal" Americans, if you want a Free & Proud & Progressive America......Vote Democratic on "NO"vember 2nd.
But don't be fooled by the "Non Party Affiliation" tricks/tactics of todays politicians
Democrats & RepubliCANTS are as different as The darkest of nights versus the dawn of a new day. U decide which is which.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

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