Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Teabaggers Ideology.

Written By Jueseppi B.

This is a list of ideology of the teabaggers.....things compiled over the last few months.
Read the list, then imagine America if the teabaggers get their candidates elected to Washington, and enact these atrocious ideas.

1. Abolish Social Security or give it to Wall Street.
2. Abolish Medicare (sorry old people).
3. Repeal the 14th Amendment so anyone's citizenship can be questioned, especially if      you're a muslim, hispanic, black person or political rival.
 Abolish Public Education, because its easier to manipulate stupid people.
5. Withdraw from the UN, isolate ourselves from the world and wait for new world wars     that we would have to get involved in.
6. Lower the taxes of the richest Americans because middle class Americans are too lazy to deserve a break.
7. Continue to tear down regulations that not only protect consumers, but also protect workers, because food safety and work safety are bad for profits and because big corporations are trustworthy and will always do the right thing.
8. Continue to tear down financial regulations that protect us from economic collapses of Great Depression size, because "It couldn't possibly happen again."
9. Disregard Freedom of Religion, unless you're a Christian.
10. Abolish Roe v. Wade because women shouldn't have the right to do what they want with their bodies even if they are raped or in danger of dying.
11. Women must stay in the kitchen where they belong, because only white men should be able to vote and work, unless of course you are a women who is a far Reich wing nut, spewing racial hatred and spreading lies and misinformation about the Democrats, Independents or Progressives. Then you can run for public elected office on the teabagger ticket.

This list might be humorous to you, but read it, then take a very close listen to the main teabaggers candidates.....not so funny now.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

1 comment:

  1. I've been stating these same facts on Facebooks for some time now. The main target to change what is happening is the media. We have no journalistic integrity left in our media, and the GOP via FOX control the message due to deregulation of media ownership by the previous administration. In this same way the GOP also controls what people hear. The Tea baggers (the grossly uneducated) listen to Fox networks and the GOP, and believe the lies and their propaganda and are afraid because they are told they should be by Beck. If Don Imus can be taken off radio for an unintended joke ( he's a comedian) then why are people not shutting down Beck, Rush and Hannity and FOX's daily dose of toxic racism and hatred for any thing or any one not "Just like them"? These fanatics have called our President a racist! That's outrageous! On 7/28/09 Fox's Glen Beck made false claims of "reverse discrimination" and literally called our President "a racist" on national TV! Not one person on the teabagger side, not Palin nor the GOP senators have asked these people to end the outright racism or the hatred the public is bombarded with on Fox! We must demand an immediate boycott of Fox and any network, ABC, CNN and CBS that doesn't at least have the integrity or moral decency to challenge these lies and the racial propaganda of the fanatic right. Our President is an American. Even being informed that Obama's birth announcement was published in a Hawaii newspaper the day Obama was born has ended Beck's lies. Facts do not seem to matter to those GOP senators or FOx network's Beck as they continue to act in almost treasonous ways.
