Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hate IN America

Written By Jueseppi B.

The following opinions are the sole ownership of the morons expressing them.......

Jerry SidenerSo are we supposed to care that there will be more minorities than whites? I WANT more minorities. That way there won't be so many damn whites acting like wigger gangstas. The more mexicans there are, the less odd jobs I gotta take care of. I don't even cut my own grass at my apartment complex. Got people for that. I haven't seen a white person flipping burgers in forever. All the mexicans and blacks do that for me. I love you minorities ;)

Renee WithamQ: So how does it make you feel to know Mexicans are taking over your country and you can't do anything about it?
A: It makes me feel good. I will never have to do lawn-work again, I will never have to worry about our kids settling for flippin burgers and McDonald's, I will never have to bust my ass doing trench work.
The best part about mexicans is that they do the jobs we don't want to do, and they don't ask for much $$. Well they might, but they don't speak English...
Kinda win/win. Now all we need is a spay and neuter program for them, since they are like roaches.

Jerry Sidener

Palestinians say there shall be no peace with Israel. Say that peace talks are useless...Between this and the story about Iran invading into Iraq, I say its about time we light up the whole mid east. Fuck every single mid east country other than Israel. Between them and us, we can take all of them like they're toddlers.

I have posted these rantings from an FB hate group, that FB has allowed to exist on it's social networking site because such a site is covered by the 1st amendment rights of free speech. Does not matter if the free speech is wrapped up in hate, they still have the right to speak the speech. That is what makes this America.

America has gone from a nation of critical thinkers, a nation of hard workers, a nation of freedom a nation of whiners, a nation of scared little wimps, a nation of racist blood thirsty punks.

I am ashamed to be an American. I am ashamed to have spent 9 years of my life in the military fighting so the above assholes can sit in their trailers, watching reruns of Jerry Springer, drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon, and fantasizing about their pregnant cousin who is their half sister. Can America recover from this low point in her history??

Yes. There is only one way to get back to being a great nation. 

On "NO"vember Second, Twenty Ten....Vote Democratic In The Mid term Elections.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

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