Written By Jueseppi B.
Disclaimer: The Phrase "racists caucasians" and "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers" don't apply to you if you are not a "racists caucasians" or "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers". The phrase "if the shoe fits wear it...and if it don't fit, STFU", applies here.
What The Mid Term Elections Are Really About Vol. II, is about fronting/revealing/calling out the real reasons why the "racists caucasians" and "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers" want this nation to fail. On "NO"vember 2nd, 2010 the "racists caucasians" and "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers" want America to elect their insane, unqualified, uninformed, unintelligent, unAmerican politicians to the most coveted seats in American government. Senators, Congressmen and Governors are the heart and soul of America, they should be trusted and knowledgeable about America and ALL the things important to the people they represent. The "racists caucasians" and "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers" politicians that are offered to voting age Americans as candidates, meet none of the above mentioned criteria for running for the public elected office of United States Senators, United States House Of Representatives or Governors of the United States.
We have to realize, recognize, and comprehend whats the agenda of all "racists caucasians" and "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers" is....to make sure that POTUS Obama is not re-elected in 2012. The "racists caucasians" and "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers" want that "nigger" out of "their White House" by any means necessary. Even it that means bringing America to it's financial and social economic knees. The "racists caucasians" and "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers" have no platform or agenda on which they are running during these mid term elections. They have no viable solution to any current issue plaguing America, they just want the "nigger" out of the White House.
The single solitary purpose of the last 24 months of lies, smears, misinformation, obstructionist tactics, fabricated non issues, ( Birth Certificate, Religious Affiliation, Vacation Choices, Fashion Choices, Muslim Mosque Placement to name a few ), have all been trumped up issues to discredit this POTUS. They have been designed to take media attention away from the many, many accomplishments of this President and his administration. Visit these two links to a couple of places that have listed his accomplishments in case you have missed any of them:
The "racists caucasians" and "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers" think Americans can be fooled into voting against a POTUS who has proven to America, by his actions, that he cares for the beneficial well being of each and every one of us. Not just the wealthy top 2% of this nation, but the ENTIRE nation. 100% of ALL Americans. This countries situation is NOT the fault of George Dubbya Bush, it is the fault of every American who voted for him....twice. Dubbya took eight years to fuck America up, royally...BUT we expected POTUS Obama to walk into the White House and instantly make each of us wealthy. Not even in a perfect world will that occur. No human being,...and especially not any "racists caucasians" and "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers" candidates, can correct this nation and get America back on track to being a once proud economic power, in 24 months when it took 96 months to get it screwed all to hell.
I suggest that on "NO"vember 2nd, 2010, we Intelligent, Common Sensible, Critical Thinking and Logical Americans Vote Democratic, no matter what party affiliation you have....be you Independent, Green, Progressive, Libertarian, Communists, Socialists, or a Totalitarian....Vote Democratic. We need to get a majority in both the House Of Representatives and The Senate. WE MUST prevent the "racists caucasians" and "racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers" from removing our Black American POTUS from the White House in 2012. WE MUST win these Mid Term Elections in 7 days.
ALL Of America Is Depending On US!!!
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."
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