Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Written By Jueseppi B.

I have been listening to many Democrats say they wished POTUS Obama would "kick ass".....or that he should "take off the gloves".....or that POTUS Obama is not "nasty or mean enough". 
Are you people stupid?
Explain to me, exactly, what would be accomplished by this POTUS being like all the other past 43 POTUS?? This Man is a diplomat, a critical thinker, and he uses logic and common sense. Now I realize we, as a Nation, are not used to our Leaders in the White House being so equipped mentally that they don't have to stoop low and use dirty tactics to get things done. POTUS Obama is such a Man, that he uses his mind...not threats or bullying.

Can You imagine the spin the "RepubliCANTS/Teabaggers/
Conselfishservatives/Reich wingnuts/racists caucasians/white supremacists groups"
would put on ANYTHING aggressive or mean or nasty this Man did, IF he were to play the political game exactly like everybody else?? News Flash: POTUS Obama has accomplished more, and achieved more in 23 months in office the the entire past RepubliCANT Presidency of the past 30 years. Doubt me....then visit these sites.....

See for yourself just how well things have worked with Obama being a different type of President. 
POTUS Obama can not afford to be anything but the Man he is right now. We The People elected him to lead our Nation, to govern with the best interests of ALL Americans as a priority. He has NO time to fight, argue in the media or tussle with the 
Conselfishservatives/Reich wingnuts/racists caucasians/white supremacists groups". His job is to be the POTUS....not a thug.

If anyone should be "kicking some ass", it should be US voters. How?? 
Simple....we go out on "NO"vember 2nd, 2010 and "kick some ass" at the voting booth.
We MUST get out there and VOTE HUGE numbers. Then turn around in 2012 and do it all over again. Obama needs his second term.

In closing....let's stop wanting a street brawl from our POTUS and start supporting his leadership, which is exactly why we voted for him. If U want to "kick some ass"....Do just that at the polls on "NO"vember 2nd, 2010.
Vote Democratic On "NO"vember 2nd, 2010.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

1 comment:

  1. The problems are not easy to solve! There is so much discourse between the parties. He is trying to reduce that and get things done. If people only understood how hard this job is. It is easy to sit on the sidelines and spew your opinion...much harder to actually do something to remedy problems.
