Written By Jueseppi B.
U Might Be A RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger If......
Your wife is receiving unemployment benefits but as a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger candidate, you have campaigned against unemployment as un-American and wasteful. If this is you....you might be a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger.
U Might Be A RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger If......
You are receiving unemployment, or social security, or WIC, or are using TANF, or are on welfare of some type....and vote against the very political party (Democrats) who are fighting to keep these social programs alive in the American budget. If this is you....you might be a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger.
U Might Be A RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger If......
You have ever tried to file a medical claim, only to have your insurance carrier tell you that the claim is not covered because it is a "pre-existing condition" based on you having this condition prior to signing up for health care insurance. Which defeats the whole purpose of having health care insurance in the first place...If this has happened to you or family members and you vote RepubliCANT/teabagger.....you're an idiot. If this is you....you might be a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger.
U Might Be A RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger If......
Your home is in foreclosure, or your loan is being called, or you are out of work and need assistance....
the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers are not very interested in the working/struggling middle class. Not one RepubliCANT/teabagger candidate cares about the middle class...voting for them is a waste of a perfectly good vote. If this is you....you might be a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger.
U Might Be A RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger If......
You think it matters one bit what sexual orientation a soldier has when in the field during a firefight, or in a combat zone. What gender my unit mates are interested in sexually, means jack shit to me when taking heavy fire in the bush,....what does mater is whether he or she can survive and not get themselves or me killed. Who they fuck, I could care less about. If this is you....you might be a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger.
U Might Be A RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger If......
You think it's OK to limit a person's freedom to choose his or her religion. If it ain't Christian then it ain't acceptable? News flash....this planet is comprised of many religions, and Christianity is not the largest or oldest religion. Have you burnt a Qur'an Today?? If this is you....you might be a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger.
U Might Be A RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger If......
You think you have the right to tell a woman what rights she has involving HER uterus. No person, especially some RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger politician, has a right to tell a woman that an abortion is not her right to choose to have for whatever her reasons. The choice belongs to each individual woman. If this is you....you might be a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger.
U Might Be A RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger If......
You vote RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger because the POTUS is a Black American. You just can't stand to see POTUS Obama in the "White" House cause he is Black...even if he is good for this Nation Even if his accomplishments have a positive effect on you and your family. If this is you....you might be a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger.
U Might Be A RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger If......
You think POTUS Obama is not an American born American citizen. If you question his religious faith, and believe him to be a Muslim...which he s not, he also is NOT catholic, or Buddhists or Lutheran or Episcopalian or Wiccan either. If this is you....you might be a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger.
U Might Be A RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger If......
Out of all the over 300 accomplishments and achievements POTUS Obama has complied in his first 22 months in office, if you can not find ONE single good thing he has done....not ONE. If this is you....you might be a RedneckRepubliCANT/teabagger.
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."
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