Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Racism & Hate Part II

Written By Jueseppi B.

As expected, the morons from the hate group wall have reacted as tiny small school age children. Most of them are screaming like children to have their names removed from my blog. I would add some excerpts here from the hate group room's wall but why bother?
I think all intelligent Americans know what a bunch of life losers, are members of a Facebook page "praying" for the death of a POTUS.

Instead I will focus on the cause of this hate, and why a Black American, who has more education, grace, style, substance, respect for fellow humans and love for his Country than each and every one if those morons the focus of such racial hatred.

His skin is Black.

That is the only reason a person of American heritage will denounce a man who is doing things to help ALL Americans. 
Every single American who is on a social program, such as Social Security, WIC, TANF, Food stamps, or medical assistance or is receiving unemployment compensation, or is using an insurance health care provider who, until Health Care Reform, denied coverage for a pre-existing condition...all of those Americans owe a Thank You to Barack Hussein Obama, regardless of his skin color.

Each American who is dealing with the foreclosure of his/her home, the loss of funds thru shady Wall Street investors, the business of Big Banks treating the middle/lower 97% of us average middle class/poor Americans, any less than they treat those top 3% who have the majority of wealth in this Nation....if you are tired of being forgotten by your government and your elected owe a Thank You to Barack Hussein Obama.

If you, or someone in your family, are a recent graduate of a college, university, or trade school...and have huge student loans, you own Barack Hussein Obama a thank You.
If you own a small business, and have wanted much new capital to get your business up and running or to continue to keep your small business afloat, you owe Barack Hussein Obama a Thank You.

There are so many things this POTUS has accomplished for the good of ALL Americans, regardless of your skin color, religious affiliation or your political party loyalties.  So why all you RepubliCANT/teabaggers are out protesting your free speech right to yell, scream, curse, defame this POTUS...he continues to work tirelessly for your rights and liberties.
A Vote for anything other than this Democratic Party, is a vote to crumble America's solid foundation.
Racism is alive and well....doubt me, think I am lying...just go visit this group, that prays for Barack Hussein Obama's death...go on, I dare you to spend one minute on this hate groups wall and not be disgusted that Americans are so vile, evil, hateful and racists.

Love & Peace are great tools and useful in the fight against is power, strength, violence and hate...because I hate a racist, and I will use violence and strength and fear and hate to erase this disease from this planet. Then and only then, after the racists has changed, will I love them and be peaceful to them. I will use whatever tool is most effective against the spread of racial hatred.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

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