Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What The Mid Term Elections Are Really About!!

Written By Jueseppi B.

The Mid Term Elections Are Really About That "Nigger" IN The White House!!

This Is The Single Most Important Mid Term Election in Our Life Time. 
If the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers win the majority in either The Senate or The House Of Representatives, all of America is set on course to fail. 

This is not about birth certificates, or religion, or a Mosque being built too close to ground zero. This is not about how many vacations have been taken, or where the vacations were spent, this is not about being a socialists, or a communists, or stimulus, or Wall Street bailouts. It is not about jobs, or education, or outsourcing employment over seas. This is not about health care reform, or banking reform, or the auto industry. It is not about DADT, abortion rights, or nominees or appointees. 

These Mid Terms are not about corporations stealing this election, or about abolishing social programs, or cutting out wasteful spending, or our school system. It is not about the environment, or the LGBT community, and it's not about the deficit, or spending, or economics, or global warming, or government sanctioned torture. It is not about taxes, or wages, or BP, or  foreclosures, or Palestine/Israel. It is not about immigration, or the current wars, it is not about oil or fossil fuels, or going green. These Mid Terms are not about any issues you can  talk about in a debate or discussion on any of the Sunday Morning political TV shows.

These Mid Terms should be about every single issue I just mentioned, and some I have forgotten, but these Mid Terms are really about none of the above mentioned issues.
These Mid Terms are all about RACE. That's correct,.....R.A.C.E. 
Is every RepubliCANT/teabagger a racists? No.
Is every caucasian who does not vote for POTUS Obama or the Democrats a racists? No.
Is every person who disagrees with POTUS Obama's politics a racists? No.
BUT, far most are.

It has become very clear to anyone who is a common sense, logical, critical thinker, that the present political climate is the most racially charged and divided since the 1960's. The proof if this is in the blatant racial hatred practiced openly on all levels. As a matter of fact, pure hatred of ANYTHING different than caucasian and wealthy is the fad these days, and it is considered unAmerican to be different. But here are the reasons why these Mid Terms are about removing the "nigger" from the White House, and not about the issues.

POTUS Obama is disliked because he is a Black American. Period. End of story. We've had 43 POTUS who have done a vast plethora of deeds worthy of impeachment....we can go back to the last POTUS and his illegal wars, torture of prisoners of war, and so on. Not once was it suggested , by anyone in authority, that George Dubbya Bush be impeached for war crimes or illegal wars. I hear impeachment talk for POTUS Obama daily.

The RepubliCANTS/teabaggers, backed by corporations and special interests groups, have decided this Black American is not fit to do the job 69 million Americans voted for him to do. The teabaggers sprung up to fight for reduced taxes, and the first thing this administration did was CUT taxes. There are numerous RepubliCANT/teabagger candidates who are unqualified to even be Americans let alone run for pubic elected office, but they are present....saying and doing insane things in the media. 

We have the RepubliCANT/teabagger Senate and Congress out right telling us that if they win the majority in "NO"vember, they will repeal every single bill passed into law by this administration. These same RepubliCANT/teabagger politicians have blocked all types of government forward motion by filibustering EVERY piece of legislation to reach either The Senate Or The Congress. They have purposely obstructed the wheels of progress, shutting down Washington.

They choose to bring America to it's knees, to make the failure of America's first Black American POTUS a reality. Why? Racism. Racism is everywhere...states attempting to rewrite history to exclude slavery, as if that will erase slavery from Americans past. Without slavery, you have no civil war, thusly all the caucasians who love to dress up and re-enact the civil war will be shit out of luck! Cause without slavery, there is nothing to re-enact. No Social Security, no Unemployment, no Social programs to assist needy Americans, no Department Of Education, no IRS, no Medicaid, no Food Stamps, no EPA, no Health Care, and corporations such as the "Kock" Brothers, and "Kock" Industries will be running America and further killing the planet.

Here is the plan....they win a majority in one or both Houses of Legislation in "NO"vember, 2010, then they clog up, repeal, and reverse all the great work accomplished by this administration. They make America fail. When "NO"vember of 2012 is here, they point at POTUS Obama and his administration and yell...."he failed this country". 
They are depending on a Stupid America...led by the Beck's and Palin's down a dark path. They will sacrifice American and American lives to bring America down, and thusly remove any chance of POTUS Obama having a second term.

The RepubliCANTS/Teabaggers/
Conselfishservatives/Reich wingnuts/racists caucasians/white supremacists groups" 
are yelling they wish to take America "back".  

What they really want to say is they want to take America back to a simpler time, when there was no "nigger" in the White House.
There is only ONE WAY to stop this.....Vote Democrat.
Yes it is that simple. Yes it is that easy. Vote Democrat.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

1 comment:

  1. Jueseppi! You are right on time with this piece. I had to read this twice it was so truthful. The teabaggers/repubs CAN'T stomach a black man in the Whitehouse. I personally think that our black leaders,actors,radio personalities ought to do a little more on really making ALL of America understand this. Where are the Tom Joiners, Steve Harveys,Oprahs, etc. These people are in the public eyes all the time. Thanks Jueseppi!
