Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Legalizing Marijuana.

Written By Jueseppi B.

Ok...I am going to step away from the Mid Term Elections for a moment, but not too far since this whole issue of legalizing marijuana is on the ballot in some states, to try and give my opinion on this issue. WHY you ask? Well, I know all you "followers" of this attempt at blogging are just waiting with baited breath on what I think.
So here goes......

I would never vote to make any illegal drug legal. I follow that broad blanket statement with the following: For medicinal purposes I would make medical marijuana available to those who "qualify" as needing medical marijuana. I would make it a felony for anyone to prescribe medical marijuana to anyone who is NOT in need of medical marijuana.  I think we make the Doctors very responsible for giving out this medical marijuana.
Other than for medicinal purposes.....NO to making marijuana legal.

Why? Good question. Here's why I think it should remain illegal......
Medical studies has determined that use of marijuana kills brain cells, if that fact alone is not enough.... it is highly addictive, and it impairs reaction and reflexes in humans. It also leads to many sexually transmitted diseases since it does impair judgement when it comes to sex. Fact, when high on ANY drug, we humans do not think clearly.
I won't even get into those assholes who will light up, toke, then get behind the wheel of a car or serve you a meal, or try to cut your hair, all while "high".

I have heard just about every argument for the legalizing of marijuana there is....from "it's an herb nature gives us'" to "it's not harmful'. Science says it is harmful. If something burns our brain cells, how can we WANT to indulge in that activity? I don't know very many people who have enough brain cells to have millions destroyed by smoking marijuana. Coca is also a plant that nature gives us, as is the why not legalize Cocaine and Heroin?? 
 I can think of a million issues/efforts/causes that this Nation can and should get involved with other than legalizing erasing racism for one....and stopping the abuse of women and children for another. Helping the homeless get shelter, feeding the hungry, offering jobs to the unemployed.....and so on.

America does not need legal marijuana....America needs to address the over crowded prison system based on it's causes and not lump marijuana usage as a solution this this countries over crowded prisons. Prison is a "big business", and in order to make prison business profitable, they must stay full. To stay full, thus over crowded, thus the need to build more necessary, American citizens have to be imprisoned for something.
Legalize marijuana, and something else will replace marijuana as the reason to imprison American citizens. Repair the American legal/justice system the right way, and that right way is NOT to legalize an illegal drug.

YES, most of these things I write are opinions....there are a few facts, and a lot of common sense thrown in this post. Lets be very clear on something....legalizing marijuana is NOT going to repair America's prison system, it won't empty out over crowded prisons. Legalizing marijuana absolutely will not remove a need for drug cartels...they will make billions selling to the entire planet as the do right now. Legalizing marijuana will not help this economy with taxation, local pushers will continue to sell on the street, and avoid tax payments as a lot of Americans do right now.

I am against all drugs, they are harmful, even those that help us, have a list of side effects as long as my......leg. (You thought I was going someplace else didn't you). Final thought....will all you potheads, who enjoy a smoke every now and then really die if you do not have marijuana legalized? Will all you daily users be pissed if it is not legalized so you can stay stoned all day....which is what you do right now anyway?
No, to both questions.

Vote Democratic On "NO"vember 2nd, 2010.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

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