Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Democrats Still Don't Get it.

Written By Jueseppi B.

My fellow Democrats still do not get "IT". Yesterday's Rally To Restore Sanity and/or Fear was not the type of rally that the March On Washington, that produced the now famous "I Have A Dream" speech, was. Once again my fellow Democrats miss the purpose of this rally...and that is starting to anger me a bit. You keep comparing yesterday's rally to MOW/King....that is like comparing a Rolls Royce to a Land Rover. No comparison because they are designed to do totally different things. Until you can be smart enough to figure that out, you miss the big picture.

Stewart/Colbert never tried to be M.L.King. They did try, and succeeded very well, in uniting and energizing and refreshing a Democratic party that was beat up and stomped on for the past 24 months by the media and by the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers. Not every rally protest or get together has to be serious and produce earth shattering change....some can be fun, and make people happy to be a part of the silliness.

How hard is this to comprehend? It was a fun rally, meant to bring joy and togetherness to all who could attend in person and to the millions who were there in spirit. 
Now instead of "hating" on something that someone else took a great deal of effort and hard work to arrange and about we sit back and look at this rally for what it is/was? It was a much needed break from all the negative bull shit the world has had to sit thru for the past 24 months.

Time to get our asses back to work as a unified Democratic Party. Time to Get Out The Vote. Time to either put up or shut the fuck up. Stop whining about this rally not living up to your expectations...and if you really can not see the good this rally accomplished yesterday,'s a suggestion. Get off your lazy asses and organize, market, and produce a rally exactly like the rally YOU want to see happen.
Good Luck With That.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

"The Rally To Restore Sanity And Or Fear"...The BEST "GOTV" Ad!!!

Written By Jueseppi B.

The "Rally To Restore Sanity And Or Fear" is over. The crowds are heading back to all four corners of the planet. The clean up crews are busy. The highways and airports are full of rally participants retuning home. The importance of this rally was something that escaped me until I turned on the TV and watched Americans in action. I saw Unity, Democracy, Love, and Passion....all displayed peacefully and with dignity. There was NO rhetoric, There was NO negativity, There was NO name calling or finger pointing, There was NO tough talking, There was NO anger.

This is the single most important Democratic advertisement to "Get Out The Vote". It was planned and executed in a most genius way. Three days ahead of the Mid Term Election, which happen on Tuesday the 2nd of "NO"vember, this rally had national TV coverage, this rally energized and refreshed what the "pundits", "experts", "TV talking air heads", and "critics" called a very sluggish Democratic attitude. There is much talk that Democrats will lose the Congress and just barely maintain the Senate. I disagree, and after watching this rally today, I am sure the outcome on Tuesday will shock these very political "experts".

I read some polls and some media reports yesterday that said exactly what the results of Tuesday's Mid Term Election will be. This, even before one vote has been cast at the polls on Tuesday, made me wonder....why even hold the actual elections? Lets just allow a bunch of over paid, uninformed, unintelligent, Reich wing pundits to pick and choose for us whom we will vote for. Why actually get up, get dressed and go to the polls? In other words, "they" don't know jack. Real Americans will wake up on Tuesday morning, shower, shave, get dressed, eat breakfast and go out and vote,  This rally was/is proof hat Americans, Democrats especially, will not be sitting at home Tuesday.

If you feel depressed, if you feel fearful of a RepubliCANT/teabagger takeover, If you feel all is lost, if you feel hopeless...just look at today. This is proof that America is NOT asleep, America is not stupid and America can not be bullied into believing lies and misinformation. The RepubliCANTS/teabaggers can spew their lies, the big corporations can dump millions into local campaigns and the media can be as Unbiased as they want....Americans are intelligent enough to know the best Party for this country.

If you want to Restore Sanity, Restore Democracy, Restore Common Sense, Restore Truth & Facts, Restore America Forward To Her Past Democratic on "NO"vember the 2nd, 2010. 
Restore Democracy. Restore Sanity. Restore Common Sense. Restore Logic. Restore Critical Thinking.
Erase Racism.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use The Facts & Triuth."

Friday, October 29, 2010

Top Republican promises ‘no compromise’ if GOP wins: Aim to repeal health care, stimulus

Compiled & Re-Posted by Jueseppi B
As the GOP hopes to retake the House of Representatives in next Tuesday's election, one senior Republican is promising that his party will refuse to forge consensus with Democrats.
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN), the third-ranking Republican in the House, repeatedly pledged in a recent interview that there would be "no compromise" with the Obama administration if his party wins control of the House.
"Look, there will be no compromise on stopping runaway spending, deficits and debt. There will be no compromise on repealing Obamacare. There will be no compromise on stopping Democrats from growing government and raising taxes," Pence told right-wing radio host Hugh Hewitt. "And if I haven’t been clear enough yet, let me say again: No compromise."
In the interview, Pence tried to downplay Rep. Darrell Issa's (R-CA) assurance that there's "not a chance" Republicans will seek to impeach President Barack Obama -- a possibility that has generated enthusiasm among some conservatives.
"Look, the time to go along and get along is over. House Republicans know that," Pence said, promising to roll back the stimulus and completely repeal the health care law enacted ,"Look, the time to go along and get along is over. House Republicans know that," Pence said, promising to roll back the stimulus and completely repeal the health care law enacted in March.
GOP Reps. John Boehner (R-OH) and Eric Cantor (R-VA), the two senior-most House Republicans, have also pledged that their top priority is to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
The maneuvering also reinforces predictions that GOP control of one or both chambers of Congress would exacerbate gridlock in Washington. If Republicans do try to make nice with Democrats, it appears their base will punish them for it.
Even as the GOP plots against him, Obama told the National Journal in a lengthy interview that he is looking forward to "spend[ing] more time building consensus" with his partisan adversaries.

It's ALL About R.A.C.E.

Re-Posted From: Rinku Sen

If the election of 2008 was a referendum on race, the midterms are feeling like a recount. The dominant political discourse of 2008 centered on an improbable question: Could a black man overcome decades’ worth of conservative fear mongering about scary, criminal, lazy black people and win a majority of voters? Today, things have changed. Now, the question is whether invoking scary, criminal, lazy Latinos and Muslims can incite enough conservative voters to reverse the Democrats’ 2008 gains.
Across the country, candidates are competing for the title of Best Immigrant Basher and Most Opposed to Mosques. Republican candidates have vowed that, if they win, they will turn these campaign-trail memes into congressional hearings and use them to block reforms critical to all Americans in the midst of an ongoing economic crisis. Democratic candidates, for their part, have been deafeningly silent on the subject and have vowed—well, nothing. Today’s political landscape is as frightening as 2008’s was hopeful.
Let’s review the last two years in racial politics. Post inauguration, there was an immediate escalation of the birther and Obama-as-secret-Muslim madness, much encouraged and amplified by Fox News and the fringe tea partiers it elevated to the mainstream. That brought us memorable moments like people spitting on black congressmembers and brandishing signs that were alarming for many reasons, none of them having to do with bad spelling. Rep. Joe Wilson called the president a liar during his health care address to Congress, accusing him of creating reform that would let undocumented immigrants access care (which, sadly, he didn’t). ACORN, an organization that has registered hundreds of thousands of people of color to vote over its 40-year history, was attacked for supposedly supporting prostitution by a fraudulent “journalist” dressed in racist pimp drag. Congress summarily de-funded the group, just before it was vindicated on every charge.
That was all before this election season got into swing and candidates went to new lengths to demonize people of color. During the California primary, three Republican gubernatorial candidates pinned all their hopes on vilifying Latino immigrants as criminals. Republican congressional candidates forced the nation into weeks of silly debate about the Park 51 project. They equated Islam with violence and questioned the patriotism of all Muslim Americans, helping to fuel a rash of attacks on mosques nationwide and a threatened Quran burning that spiraled into an international crisis. South Asian Americans Leading Together released a report this week documenting dozens of horrible statements attacking South Asian candidates. South Carolina State Sen. Jake Knotts called Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley “[a] fucking raghead,” adding, “[w]e got a raghead in Washington; we don’t need one in South Carolina.”
Meanwhile, voter suppression schemes are in full swing. Republican strategist Robert de Posada has launched a campaign in Nevada todiscourage Latinos from voting at all, nominally because neither party is better than the other on immigration reform. In Illinois, Wisconsin and other contentious states, tea party movement activists have launched“voter integrity” campaigns in which they plan to harass people at the polls who they think might be voting illegally—meaning, they’ll profile Latinos, as well as black people.
Republican congressional leadership has pledged to amplify all of these conversations if it gains control. Senate Minorty Leader Mitch McConnell has called for hearings on the 14th Amendment’s birthright citizenship clause, as have several other Republicans in both the Senate and the House. And if campaign ads are to be believed, that’s just the beginning of what the ascendant GOP is planning for brown immigrants. FromSharron Angle in Nevada to David Vitter in Louisiana, this election has been marred by some of the most openly racist campaigning we’ve seen in decades. Angle has aired at least two ads juxtaposing white youth in classrooms with thuggish-looking Latino men, assuring voters whose “side” she’s on.
The head of Tea Party Nation, the largest group in the movement, has urged members to get rid of Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison because he’s Muslim. And even Orange County Democrat Rep. Loretta Sanchez, who is fighting to keep her seat, got on Univision and pit her Latino base against their more conservative Vietnamese neighbors in starkly racial terms.
This is the state of our politics. This is where things have arrived in post-race America. We’re at a place where congressmembers demean crucial, inventive public policy with racist nicknames, like the one Iowa Rep. Steve King came up with to stop the expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program: Socialized, Clintonesque, Hillarycare for Illegals and Their Parents. Or where President Obama’s choice to co-chair his deficit commission, Alan Simpson, compares Social Security to a “cow with 310 million tits.” That wasn’t an offense that warranted Simpson’s firing; he was given a benefit of the doubt the White House could not extend to Van Jones and Shirley Sherrod.
The Simpson comparison is apt. Throughout the past two years, Democrats have done woefully little to challenge the racism Republicans, tea partiers and Fox News have poured into the public discourse. Indeed, as with Jones, Sherrod and ACORN, the party’s timidity has often fueled the fire. If the Democrats lose next week, it’s entirely likely they will be driven even further to the right for fear of appearing soft on, well, communities of color.
This election is about something more than who will control Congress. Yes, we must all vote our consciences come Tuesday—vote and get everyone you know who is eligible to do the same. Vote early so that you can spend all day Tuesday turning out other people. But if you think racist scapegoating isn’t a replacement for forward thinking policy, then your participation cannot end when you leave the voting booth.
Regardless of who wins this election, it will have plunged us further still into the dark place in which people of color are defined as the nation’s problem rather than as the lifeblood of its future. We will have been driven deeper into a hole in which fear mongering makes possible policy choices that undermine everybody’s future. Republicans are certain to stick to their thus-far successful playbook. Democrats have shown no sign that they’ll challenge that strategy for what it is. So it will be up to all of us to demand both parties do better.

VOTE!!!! VOTE Democratic!!! VOTE For America!!!

Written By Jueseppi B.

Vote Democratic on "NO"vember 2nd, 2010.

I am begging, as the Mid Term Election draws near, ( and I don't beg much), that each and every one of you will do something on Tuesday, "NO"vember 2nd, 2010, ( after voting early ), to make this election victorious for America, for Democrats, for Our Future and the future of OUR children.
I won't get into all the reasons why this is a vital election for America. If you have read anything I've posted, we've gone over this 6 zillion times. America and ALL Americans can not afford the non agenda of RepubliCANTS/teabaggers, America is being watched by the entire planet, Every one BUT us Americans have the utmost respect for POTUS Obama.

I will not bore you with the over 300 accomplishments this POTUS has achieved in just under 2 years in office. I will tell you that the  RepubliCANTS/teabaggers plan to repeal, remove, and abolish every single  piece of legislation this administration has worked to pass, which would make the past two years of government a total waste of time. The entire purpose the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers have for this tactic is that the man in the White House is a Black man. Nothing else matters to the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers. Their agenda is to discredit POTUS Obama so he will appear a failure come "NO"vember 6th, 2012, and then they figure his re-election will fail, making him a one term President, the first one term President since Ex-POTUS Jimmy Carter (January 20, 1977 – January 20, 1981)

Take a moment to review all the things the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers are threatening to abolish, repeal, undo, remove, and destroy if they win a majority in the Senate or the House Of Representatives.  They will abolish the Minimum Wage, Social Security, The EPA, The IRS, The Department Of Education, Medicaid, Food Stamp program, TANF, WIC, Unemployment Insurance. The lost of jobs from this alone would be catastrophic not to mention the total number of Americans who are dependent on these various social programs.
RepubliCANTS/teabaggers are threatening to repeal The Health Care Reform Law, The Wall Street Reform Law, The Small Business Act, as a matter f fact, RepubliCANTS/teabaggers have said they will overturn and repeal EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF LEGISLATION passed by this administration. Unheard of, unprecedented, maybe even illegal.

Do we really want the past 2 years to have been a waste of time? Are we prepared to allow greedy, unqualified, sore losers, racists RepubliCANTS/teabaggers take OUR America back to the stone age? Some RepubliCANTS/teabaggers candidates have talked of even repealing or reversing the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and Roe Vs. Wade, making abortions illegal. Are you, as an American, ready to take giant steps backwards?

Never forget what these Mid Term Elections are about...they are NOT about economics, or jobs, or housing, or business, or anything one would associate with election issues. THESE Mid Terms are all about R.A.C.E. RepubliCANTS/teabaggers will do anything, by any means necessary, to keep POTUS Barack Hussein Obama from being re-elected in 2012. Time to stand up Democrats, stand up for a man who is constantly standing up for America. Vote Democratic on "NO"vember 2nd, 2012. Allow our voter turn out speak for all of us. Send a clear message to the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers....."We The People" do NOT want corporate America running America.

Vote Democratic on "NO"vember 2nd, 2010.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use The Facts & Truth."
Re-Posted From Mr. Paul Krugman

Barring a huge upset, Republicans will take control of at least one house of Congress next week. How worried should we be by that prospect?
Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
Paul Krugman

Readers' Comments

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Not very, say some pundits. After all, the last time Republicans controlled Congress while a Democrat lived in the White House was the period from the beginning of 1995 to the end of 2000. And people remember that era as a good time, a time of rapid job creation and responsible budgets. Can we hope for a similar experience now?
No, we can’t. This is going to be terrible. In fact, future historians will probably look back at the 2010 election as a catastrophe for America, one that condemned the nation to years of political chaos and economic weakness.
Start with the politics.
In the late-1990s, Republicans and Democrats were able to work together on some issues. President Obama seems to believe that the same thing can happen again today. In a recent interview with National Journal, he sounded a conciliatory note, saying that Democrats need to have an “appropriate sense of humility,” and that he would “spend more time building consensus.” Good luck with that.
After all, that era of partial cooperation in the 1990s came only after Republicans had tried all-out confrontation, actually shutting down the federal government in an effort to force President Bill Clinton to give in to their demands for big cuts in Medicare.
Now, the government shutdown ended up hurting Republicans politically, and some observers seem to assume that memories of that experience will deter the G.O.P. from being too confrontational this time around. But the lesson current Republicans seem to have drawn from 1995 isn’t that they were too confrontational, it’s that they weren’t confrontational enough.
Another recent interview by National Journal, this one with Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, has received a lot of attention thanks to a headline-grabbing quote: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
If you read the full interview, what Mr. McConnell was saying was that, in 1995, Republicans erred by focusing too much on their policy agenda and not enough on destroying the president: “We suffered from some degree of hubris and acted as if the president was irrelevant and we would roll over him. By the summer of 1995, he was already on the way to being re-elected, and we were hanging on for our lives.” So this time around, he implied, they’ll stay focused on bringing down Mr. Obama.
True, Mr. McConnell did say that he might be willing to work with Mr. Obama in certain circumstances — namely, if he’s willing to do a “Clintonian back flip,” taking positions that would find more support among Republicans than in his own party. Of course, this would actually hurt Mr. Obama’s chances of re-election — but that’s the point.
We might add that should any Republicans in Congress find themselves considering the possibility of acting in a statesmanlike, bipartisan manner, they’ll surely reconsider after looking over their shoulder at the Tea Party-types, who will jump on them if they show any signs of being reasonable. The role of the Tea Party is one reason smart observers expect another government shutdown, probably as early as next spring.
Beyond the politics, the crucial difference between the 1990s and now is the state of the economy.
When Republicans took control of Congress in 1994, the U.S. economy had strong fundamentals. Household debt was much lower than it is today. Business investment was surging, in large part thanks to the new opportunities created by information technology — opportunities that were much broader than the follies of the dot-com bubble.
In this favorable environment, economic management was mainly a matter of putting the brakes on the boom, so as to keep the economy from overheating and head off potential inflation. And this was a job the Federal Reserve could do on its own by raising interest rates, without any help from Congress.
Today’s situation is completely different. The economy, weighed down by the debt that households ran up during the Bush-era bubble, is in dire straits; deflation, not inflation, is the clear and present danger. And it’s not at all clear that the Fed has the tools to head off this danger. Right now we very much need active policies on the part of the federal government to get us out of our economic trap.
But we won’t get those policies if Republicans control the House. In fact, if they get their way, we’ll get the worst of both worlds: They’ll refuse to do anything to boost the economy now, claiming to be worried about the deficit, while simultaneously increasing long-run deficits with irresponsible tax cuts — cuts they have already announced won’t have to be offset with spending cuts.
So if the elections go as expected next week, here’s my advice: Be afraid. Be very afraid.
There is one way to stop all this....Vote Democratic On "NO"vember 2nd, 2010!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone.

Written By Jueseppi B.

Common Sense Says....
Have you ever fallen asleep on the couch or in your favorite recliner, only to wake up and find yourself in trouble?? You drift off to sleep watching the Bears losing by 40 points, and Cutler getting sacked 10 times in the first you get drowsy....
Then you awake to find yourself in the Twilight Zone? You're in that strange parallel universe
where everything is flipped around/upside down/backwards??  I did that about 24 months ago, and I am still captive in the RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone!!! 
Somebody PLEASE wake my ass up!!!!

Common Sense Says....
There is NO common sense at play in RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone at all....none whatsoever. There are RepubliCANT/teabagger candidates running for public elected office who have not one shred of experience, and they say the damnedest stupidest things. There are no campaign platforms, no political agenda that represent the party line and no viable solution to any of the complaints against the current POTUS.  I know....crazy right?

Common Sense Says....
I seem to be unable to comprehend the reason why the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers who live here in RepubliCANT/teabaggers Twilight Zone, are so upset with this current POTUS. He has introduced 
legislation that one would assume helps all Americans, but he is hated by these strange alien like members of this even stranger RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone. Why??? Crazy huh? 
If you were to list all this POTUS's accomplishments....
and take a seriously in-depth look at the results of these accomplishments for ALL Americans, you start
to wonder what is the problem these RepubliCANTS/teabaggers have with this successful President.

Common Sense Says....
Then one evening, while still trapped in RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone....I happened to catch a 
news update about a piece of legislation being blocked by these same RepubliCANT/teabagger politicians.
This POTUS is intelligent, well spoken, handsome, very photogenic, Harvard educated, has governmental experience, is a first class diplomat, speaks softly and carries a big stick, is a family man, has morals and integrity, and is a perfect role model on the international scene. SO WHY the hatred and discord???
Then it hit me....smack in the face......He Is BLACK!!!!
That's in RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone....The POTUS Is a Black American!!!
I'll be damned.

Common Sense Says....
How in the sam hill can a Black American, a man of color, be expected to run the United States of America?? I ask you sane people of the "normal" can a Black American, who until fifty years
ago couldn't even eat/drink/sleep/ride with the good upstanding Christian white folk, be allowed in the White House as anything other than a janitor? Who would elect this "nigger" to be President Of The United States?
How about 69 million Americans...comprised of Black Americans, White Americans, Native Americans, Latin Americans, American from the LGBT Community, Senior Citizen Americans, Young Americans, Poor Americans, Middle Class Americans, Blue Collar Americans, and any American interested in Change.

Common Sense Says....
Sometime around midnight on the evening of "NO"vember 1st, 2010, I awoke from this nightmare to find
I was not dreaming....but it was reality. There seems to be some movement about to repeal laws and accomplishments of this current administration and POTUS based ONLY on his race, his skin color, his heritage. Let me make it explicitly clear...These mid term elections coming up in 5 days, are all about R.A.C.E. The RepubliCANTS/teabaggers do NOT want Barack Hussein Obama as President Of The United States. Why? Because they consider Barack Hussein Obama to be nothing more than a common "nigger".
His Harvard education means nothing, his experience in the Senate, both U.S. & State Of Illinois, means nothing, his accomplishments since taking office in January of 2009 means nothing, his diplomacy and his talents for getting his agenda passed even though he is met with constant obstruction means nothing. He is a Black man....and that fact alone makes him unacceptable for the office of POTUS.
In the RepubliCANT/teabaggers twilight Zone.
In America, we judge a Man on his soul, his spirit, his talents, his qualifications, and his heart.
There is none better than Barack Hussein Obama.

Vote Democratic On "NO"vember 2nd, 2010.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

The RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone.

Written By Jueseppi B.

Common Sense Says....
Have you ever fallen asleep on the couch or in your favorite recliner, only to wake up and find yourself in trouble?? You drift off to sleep watching the Bears losing by 40 points, and Cutler getting sacked 10 times in the first you get drowsy....
Then you awake to find yourself in the Twilight Zone? You're in that strange parallel universe
where everything is flipped around/upside down/backwards??  I did that about 24 months ago, and I am still captive in the RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone!!! 
Somebody PLEASE wake my ass up!!!!

Common Sense Says....
There is NO common sense at play in RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone at all....none whatsoever. There are RepubliCANT/teabagger candidates running for public elected office who have not one shred of experience, and they say the damnedest stupidest things. There are no campaign platforms, no political agenda that represent the party line and no viable solution to any of the complaints against the current POTUS.  I know....crazy right?

Common Sense Says....
I seem to be unable to comprehend the reason why the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers who live here in RepubliCANT/teabaggers Twilight Zone, are so upset with this current POTUS. He has introduced 
legislation that one would assume helps all Americans, but he is hated by these strange alien like members of this even stranger RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone. Why??? Crazy huh? 
If you were to list all this POTUS's accomplishments....
and take a seriously in-depth look at the results of these accomplishments for ALL Americans, you start
to wonder what is the problem these RepubliCANTS/teabaggers have with this successful President.

Common Sense Says....
Then one evening, while still trapped in RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone....I happened to catch a 
news update about a piece of legislation being blocked by these same RepubliCANT/teabagger politicians.
This POTUS is intelligent, well spoken, handsome, very photogenic, Harvard educated, has governmental experience, is a first class diplomat, speaks softly and carries a big stick, is a family man, has morals and integrity, and is a perfect role model on the international scene. SO WHY the hatred and discord???
Then it hit me....smack in the face......He Is BLACK!!!!
That's in RepubliCANT/teabagger Twilight Zone....The POTUS Is a Black American!!!
I'll be damned.

Common Sense Says....
How in the sam hill can a Black American, a man of color, be expected to run the United States of America?? I ask you sane people of the "normal" can a Black American, who until fifty years
ago couldn't even eat/drink/sleep/ride with the good upstanding Christian white folk, be allowed in the White House as anything other than a janitor? Who would elect this "nigger" to be President Of The United States?
How about 69 million Americans...comprised of Black Americans, White Americans, Native Americans, Latin Americans, American from the LGBT Community, Senior Citizen Americans, Young Americans, Poor Americans, Middle Class Americans, Blue Collar Americans, and any American interested in Change.

Common Sense Says....
Sometime around midnight on the evening of "NO"vember 1st, 2010, I awoke from this nightmare to find
I was not dreaming....but it was reality. There seems to be some movement about to repeal laws and accomplishments of this current administration and POTUS based ONLY on his race, his skin color, his heritage. Let me make it explicitly clear...These mid term elections coming up in 5 days, are all about R.A.C.E. The RepubliCANTS/teabaggers do NOT want Barack Hussein Obama as President Of The United States. Why? Because they consider Barack Hussein Obama to be nothing more than a common "nigger".
His Harvard education means nothing, his experience in the Senate, both U.S. & State Of Illinois, means nothing, his accomplishments since taking office in January of 2009 means nothing, his diplomacy and his talents for getting his agenda passed even though he is met with constant obstruction means nothing. He is a Black man....and that fact alone makes him unacceptable for the office of POTUS.
In the RepubliCANT/teabaggers twilight Zone.
In America, we judge a Man on his soul, his spirit, his talents, his qualifications, and his heart.
There is none better than Barack Hussein Obama.

Vote Democratic On "NO"vember 2nd, 2010.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."