Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Farewell Facebook World,...It Was An Experience.

Written By Jueseppi B.

It has been one hell of a ride, I was able to meet some very sweet, loving, honest, real, warm, fantastic people for the few months I was a member of Facebook. I also had the great pleasure of meeting some real assholes, some real lowlife, angry, lonely, misguide people who are hate-filled and so very full of evil intentions. And not all those people I just described are RepubliCANTS/teabaggers, Reich Wingnuts, white supremacists, conselfishservatives either. Some, many, are good old fashioned Democrats.

There are a lot of power hungry folks in Facebook, people drunk on the pseudo power that comes from running a group, even a group that was given them. These fake dictators have no clue about real power, the power to control their actions and make them do your bidding. Mind control is a very useful tool to control people in real life, and in Facebook land as well.

I find Facebook to be a place where people go to let off steam, and to be something they are not in real life. Important. Now understand, not everybody is a member of facebook because their marriage lacks the interest to keep them occupied. Not everybody who spends a great deal of time in Facebook is doing so to fill the void of a failed life. Many are there to spread the facts and truth about politics, or be with friends and family they can not see in person. 

To some facebook is the 22nd century answer to book reading or video games. It fills a void, it passes some spare time, or it is used as a networking tool to further a private business.
But for many, Facebook is life itself. For those people I feel sympathy and sorrow.  I met a woman, well many women for that matter, who was in a bad marriage, and in a bad career situation, she used Facebook to flex her non existent muscle, she is in Facebook to compensate for having no useful way to escape either her bad marriage or her bad career choices. I wish her the best of luck.

I met an entire group of racists losers who hate any and all things different from themselves. And they believe themselves to be great Americans. I met women who were upset to have their romantic efforts rejected, and to compensate for that rejection, they spread lies and rumors about being rejected. Always the same story from them to any who would listen. I met men, who were flaming racists but who hated to be called out on their racism. I met "house niggers{, misinformed Black Americans, and caucasians who didn't know racism still existed. I wish them the best of luck as well.

BUT....I also met some very warm and loving people, Men whom I'd give my life defending, and ladies whom I adopted as my my sisters and mom's and close personal friends. You all know whom you are. I will miss each and every one of you, YES...all those folks described here I will miss. The good, the bad and the very ugly. Why? Because it all was an experience to me, to learn what goes on in the minds of Americans. 

This upcoming year will be a good experience for all Americans. The POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama, will experience more victories, he will become the greatest POTUS we have experienced in out life time. He will prove to all his critics, RepubliCANT/teabagger AND Democratic .....that he is far more intelligent, savvy, smart and diplomatic than all of his detractors combined. If only he could say "fuck you' to all of his haters while maintaining his decorum and his dignity. 

If only he could pack up his beautiful family, and walk out of the WhiteMans House, look back over his shoulder and tell an ungrateful America....."I'm asshole fix this shit yourselves".

Enjoy the New Year Americans.....and remember......
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth".


  1. J B, I don't know you, but I feel sorry for you because if you thought you could change things in the world just like that, you are sadly mistaken. WHAT IF JESUS HAD QUIT ON US? ABE LINCOLN, THE VETS OF WWI, WWII, MLK,? You praise Obama but as he stands by us and fights no matter what, you come up with a sorry ass excuse to abandon him. And through it all he acheived 85% of his goals. You have learned nothing sir, nothing at all. If you think about it for a minute, you need to get down off that high horse, get down to earth and continue the fight with us ground troops. If you don't, when we overcome, you will not be able to claim any credit for our success! it is called FAITH, FAITH SIR, PLEASE GET IT BACK AND KEEP IT THIS TIME, OK?

  2. J B, I don't know you, but I feel sorry for you because if you thought you could change things in the world just like that, you are sadly mistaken. WHAT IF JESUS HAD QUIT ON US? ABE LINCOLN, THE VETS OF WWI, WWII, MLK,? You praise Obama but as he stands by us and fights no matter what, you come up with a sorry ass excuse to abandon him. And through it all he acheived 85% of his goals. You have learned nothing sir, nothing at all. If you think about it for a minute, you need to get down off that high horse, get down to earth and continue the fight with us ground troops. If you don't, when we overcome, you will not be able to claim any credit for our success! it is called FAITH, FAITH SIR, PLEASE GET IT BACK AND KEEP IT THIS TIME, OK?

  3. Your own prejudices shine through, in your blind embrace and naive worship of Barry Bait'n'Switch. He is a corporatist politician and nothing more!
    Best of luck to you, and your endeavors, may your enlightenment increase.

  4. I appreciate your inputs on Facebook. I hate to see you leave. Many times, I thought about leaving because of all the haters I have encountered. Best of luck in all of your endeavors and a prosperous new year.

  5. I like what you wrote. I just wish you were still on Facebook, keeping the average member IQ higher. (The only way to keep it an intelligent information discourse is to keep intelligent people communicating!) Happy New Year, and all the best to you! - LACurry

  6. <3 <3 <3 <3 You will be missed. :)

  7. Rather interesting to read this, a grand farewell to Facebook, in Messianic fashion.

    Except for one thing. It's all self-inflated hypocrisy, as you are still on Facebook & inserting yourself as a dictator of at least two groups. Your pettiness & hypocrisy are quite well illuminated by your own statement above:

    "There are a lot of power hungry folks in Facebook, people drunk on the pseudo power that comes from running a group, even a group that was given them. These fake dictators have no clue about real power, the power to control their actions and make them do your bidding. Mind control is a very useful tool to control people in real life, and in Facebook land as well."

    You take a petty swipe at some by your claim "even when the group is given them" ... hey, that is a generous concept there, why did you feel it necessary to brag about your claim that you handed over group control? Did you expect that you deserved great honors for doing so? True humility, in the spiritual sense, is giving & not telling anyone (bragging) about how generous you are.

    I find it interesting that you claim others to be power hungry on Facebook, that it is only pseudo-power that they posses, that other's know nothing of real power, that you know real power, and that power is mind control. Then you pull a 180 & state "Mind control is a very useful tool to control people in real life, and in Facebook land as well." .... OK, what are you trying to say? There either is or there isn't power in Facebook land? Which is it?

    I also find it interesting that you are condemning & judging so many on Facebook for the very things you are doing yourself ... being very closed minded, not willing to listen to viewpoints that may differ from your own, then actually booting people out of the groups because they spoke up & disagreed with you. Before you judge others of being 'drunk with power' you might need to look in the mirror first. "there are none so blind as those who choose not to see".

    Of course, I will be dismissed by one of your standard rebukes & attacked for disagreeing with you. If one does not have a solid grounding of self-reflection & the facts, then they attack the messenger rather than address the message.

    Good luck in your 'retirement' from Facebook. The whole 2 hours it lasted, anyway ...
