Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Re-Elect POTUS Barack Hussein Obama

Written By Jueseppi B.

Our goal must continue to be unity, it must continue to be standing as one voice to promote a Democratic government, it must be to keep POTUS Barack Hussein Obama in office, "by any means necessary." Don't get side tracked by all the little battles, because winning the war is what counts, not who is this or what is that....the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers are not going to stop now that they have control of the House Of Representatives. They are poised to repeal EVERYTHING this POTUS has accomplished. We The People, MUST not allow that to happen.

The lame duck session of the 111th Legislative Body of our government was historical in it's accomplishments. But so what? That in now history, over with, finished. We have much work to do. We can not afford to get bogged down in stupid infighting, name calling, and losing sight of what is most important...a second term for POTUS Barack Hussein Obama.

Our President needs our support now more than ever....we must stand with him, shoulder to shoulder, to get out the vote. We failed to do this for the mid term elections. Leadership of The National Democratic Party, neglected to market and promote this President or his accomplishments, which lead to complacency among Democratic voters whom were charged up in 2008. We can NOT lose the high octane feeling we all experienced in 2008.

You feel disappointment in this POTUS? You feel anger that he didn't do like you would have done on some issues? You upset he didn't put on his street thug persona and get all ghetto?
Well guess what? I, nor the other 9 million voters, didn't vote for YOU. We voted for an intelligent, critical thinking, common sense, logical, diplomatic, smart & savvy man who would get the BEST POSSIBLE results for ALL Americans. That is exactly what we have.

Let's get busy working for the re-election of POTUS Barack Hussein Obama. 
Let's start NOW. And to all you lazy asses who didn't go vote during the mid terms...get off
your lazy asses and VOTE DEMOCRATIC.
To The Democratic Party leadership.....get off your lazy asses and work to re-elect POTUS Obama.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use The Facts & Truth."

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