Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Vote Democratic In The Mid-Term Elections On "NO"vember 2nd, 2010.

Written by Jueseppi B.

Good Monday Evening.
I can not stress enough how important it is to get off the couch, get away from Facebook, and vote on "NO"vember 2nd, 2010 in these Mid-Term elections. We have 63 days and counting until we have a chance to send a clear and unmistakable message to all RepubliCANTS, teabaggers, Conselfishservatives, Reich wingers, white supremacists groups and anyone who is anti-American. That message is that "We The People" will never allow America to be taken "BACK."

The right to vote and express your desires through the electoral process is vital to strengthening America. We, The Democrats, are charged with being the party of common sense and logic, because nothing coming out of the mouths of "them" makes much sense or is logical these days. "They"  want to tweak, re-do, or repeal Social Security. "They" are interested in repealing every single good thing POTUS Obama has accomplished in his 21 months in office. "They" want to do away with most social programs that assist Americans through hard times. We, as Americans, can NEVER allow this "RepubliCANTS, teabaggers, Conselfishservatives, Reich wingers, white supremacists group" agenda to become a reality.

Vote Democratic On "NO"vember. 
If you know of Democrats that need rides to your local polling place, form a car pool and take those Democrats to the local polling place.
Volunteer at your local Democratic Party Offices.
Pass out flyers for your personal local Democratic politicians.
Go door to door, canvasing for your local Democratic Party.
Form local rallies to support your local candidates.
Spread the word....explain the facts & truth to all who need help choosing a party to vote for and support. Democratic Candidates are better for America than RepubliCANTS, teabaggers, Conselfishservatives, Reich wingers, white supremacists group candidates.

We MUST NOT lose the majority control of either The Senate or The House in the Mid-Term Elections. This is a pivotal time in American politics, the future of America is dependent on the results of these elections. 
DEMOCRATS...VOTE....Help other Democrats to vote.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth." 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Keep Fighting. Vote Democratic In "NO"vember!!

Written By Jueseppi B.

Good Sunday afternoon.
In "NO"vember, "WE The People", Must send a clear and unmistakable message to ALL RepubliCANTS/teabaggers That WE are not allowing the accomplishments of this POTUS to be repealed.
We Are Not allowing this America, an America built by hard working, honest, tax paying people of ALL skin colors, to be taken "BACK" as the Reich wing RepubliCANTS/teabaggers want to do. We will see to it that America continues to move "Forward" with POTUS Obama. We control our future.

Here's How You Can Help This Nation Move Forward:
Election day, get out and vote. Cast your vote for ALL Democrats.
Help those who can't drive or are disabled, get to the nearest local polling place.
Make sure all your friends/family/neighbors are registered to vote, and actually voting. your local Democratic election office, offer to help them.
Pass out flyers/posters/campaign buttons to all who are undecided.
Get the facts and then spread the truth about POTUS Obama.

We will NOT be stopped, we will NOT be censored, we will NOT be ignored.
We WILL continue to support POTUS Obama.
We WILL continue to fight for a racist free America.
We WILL continue to "Get The Facts & Truth Out To The Masses".

Ban Me, censor Me, and 10 others will stand up and take my place. We ARE committed to winning a majority in both Houses of Legislation in "NO"vember. We ARE committed to continuing the agenda that is now in place.
"NO"vember 2nd, 2010 (Mid-Term Elections)....get out and vote. Make sure everybody around you votes. WE MUST VOTE.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

Blocked By Face Book From Posting To Any Walls.

Written By Jueseppi B.

It appears that because FB does not appreciate US Democrats organizing and preparing to do battle at the polls, I have been blocked by FB from posting to my personal wall;,
 the walls of my groups: "Proudly & Loudly Supporting Barack Hussein Obama!!" ;
And Fuck Anyone Who Does Not Support Barack Hussein Obama!!" ;

This does NOT STOP me from continuing to support my POTUS or STOP my voter drive.
This makes it even more vital and important that we get out the vote and remove RepubliCANTS/teabaggers from office in the upcoming mid-term elections.
WE MUST Vote Democratic In "NO"vember.

If you want to contact me, use the FB Message inbox system. I can still do everything BUT respond to anything on any wall. I can not post to any wall for anytime from a few hours to a few days. Keep fighting, Keep the Voter Drive Alive!!

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

FaceBook Blocked Me From Posting To My Own Event.

Written By Jueseppi B,

The Power of the pen is MIGHTY!!

Warnings › I was blocked or disabledHide All

Blocked: You are unable to use a specific feature, but you can still access your account.

Facebook has policies to stop behavior that other users may find annoying or abusive. A block is set when Facebook systems determine that the user was adding friends or using a feature repeatedly in a short period of time after being warned to slow down. If your account is blocked, you will still be able to log on to Facebook, but you will not able to add friends or use a feature temporarily.

Facebook has policies to stop behavior that other users may find annoying or abusive. Even if you did not have this intention, Facebook systems have determined that you were repeatedly using the same feature in a short period of time.

Since you did not adhere to previous warnings, a temporary block was set on your account. Here's what you should keep in mind about your block:
  • This temporary block will last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
  • Attempting to use this feature while you are blocked can extend the block.
  • We cannot lift this block for any reason, so please be patient and refrain from using this feature for a few days while waiting for this block to be removed.
  • Once you are allowed to use this feature again, you must significantly slow down or stop this behavior. Further misuse of site features may result in more blocks or your account being permanently disabled.

Unfortunately, Facebook cannot provide any specifics on the rate limits that are enforced. The threshold at which you are warned is not a specific number, but rather determined by different factors, such as speed, time, and quantity.

Block! You are engaging in behavior that may be considered annoying or abusive by other users.

You have been blocked from posting on walls because you repeatedly misused this feature. This block will last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. When you are allowed to reuse this feature, please proceed with caution. Further misuse may result in your account being permanently disabled. For further information, please visit our FAQ page.
This really smells of RepubliCANT/teabagger Nazi Tactics to  Me. Why are my privileges blocked to post to an event wall that I created?
Could it be because the event is a GET OUT THE DEMOCRATIC VOTE EVENT?? Face Book Will Not STOP US......get out there and vote Democratic In "NO"Vember.
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Whats Really Going On.

Written By Jueseppi B.

Today, on the 47th Anniversary Of The Historic March On Washington, a monumental event in the lives of all Americans, Glenn Beck & Sarah Palin, joined by thousands of their followers... ascended upon the D.C.Mall, where Dr. M.L. King gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech.
Beck/Palin/Followers don't have the same dream. 
Beck/Palin/Followers don't have the same agenda.
Beck/Palin/Followers don't care about restoring anything do with do Honor.

Racists caucasians are scared, frightened, afraid. They are nervous, worried, jittery.
Why? That's a long story. Got a minute?

Slavery,...when you kidnap, steal, abduct a nation of people against their collective will, and pack them like sardines in the hold of a ship, then transport them over seas, losing 20 million on the voyage to have nightmares when those people come back into power. I said "back" into power because people of color from the African Continent ruled this planet at one time. (Yes Sarah Palin, Africa IS A Continent.)

White people, or caucasians, thought they could "import" Free Africans to The Americas, force them to work for no pay, steal their children, rape and impregnate their women, beat and kill their brothers and sisters, abuse them as humans, and still control them. After all niggers are not very bright, they are lazy, evil, vile, shiftless, dishonest, criminal by their very nature. They are correct, that is the perfect description of a nigger. 
The funny thing about labels is,...all manner of people, of any race, can be and are a nigger if they have those qualities I just named, in their character. White folks (caucasians) can are are also niggers.

After they "imported" Free Africans to The Americas, and got the slave women pregnant, and their wives started realizing a Negra Slave was sooooo much better in bed than their weak husbands,...the race line between Black slave and white slave master became very coffee colored. It started the demise of the "master race".
Racists caucasians killed the very "pure race" they so whine and worry about preserving today. As a result of this mixing of blood and race diluting...caucasians have no true pure bloodline in America today.
This scares racist caucasians, they are also scared shitless that the Black American is becoming stronger, more intelligent, more educated, more focused, and more determined to return to running this planet as they did once long ago. The birthplace of ALL civilization is the African Continent. (Yes Sarah Palin, Africa IS A Continent.) 

Fear is what drives racism today. Fear Of A Black Planet. Fear of being treated exactly as the Free African slaves were treated over 400 years ago when they were forced onto the shores of The Americas. Remember, we American fear most that which we do not understand....and have no desire to understand.

Today's disrespectful display at the D.C. Mall was a shinning example of this racist fear.
Two ca$h cows who needed exposure, one for sinking TV ratings, and the other for her self promotion for book sales and ego, tried to make a mockery of the 47th Anniversary of The March On Washington. They Failed miserably. 
True, Real Americans, will NOT stand with racist caucasians to return to times of slavery.
True, Real Americans will not support repeal of the progress made by all minorities, including  women, people of color, the disabled, the LGBT community, immigrants or the mentally challenged.
We The People are the Real Americans, we are the backs onto which America was built.
We The people shouldered the progress and growth of America into a nation respected and envied by all the world.
We The people can and will continue to carry America forward, NOT "Back".

Be Afraid Racists caucasians. Be very Afraid.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use facts & Truth."

The Divided States Of America

Written By Jueseppi B.

The United States Of America,
Has Become The Divided States Of America.

We are divided over the building of an Islamic Cultural Center In New York.
We are divided over whether skin color allows a man elected by 69 million Americans to properly govern America.
We are divided over a known racist group making a mockery of the 47th Anniversary of The Historic March On Washington.
We are divided over the issues of Abortion and the Rights of Women and THEIR Bodies.
We are divided over reforming a Health Care system that fails millions of Americans.
We are divided over reforming Wall Street and protecting OUR money from greedy bankers.
We are divided over Race. 
We are divided over Religion.
We are divided over The United States Constitution.
We are divided over Civil Rights.
We are divided over Racist Immigration laws.
We are divided over Social Security.
We are divided over Who Is responsible for the horrible state of our Financial Crisis.

The United States Of America does not exist. 
The United States Of America is now an oxy-moron.
The United States Of America is a laughing stock to the world.
The United States Of America in no longer the Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave.
It IS The Divided States Of America.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

Friday, August 27, 2010

Who Is To Blame?

Written By Jueseppi B.

Something to ponder and mull over when you hear some RepubliCANT/teabagger place blame on POTUS Obama for things put in motion starting back in 1980.

For 20 of the 28 years between 1980 and 2008, our government's policies were controlled by three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. Almost 80 percent of the current national debt was implemented by those three Republican presidents.
They cut taxes on the 
wealthy, deregulated big corporations, increased corporate welfare, cut services to the needy and promised to "trickle down" on the middle class. The results of their supply side economics were runaway budget deficits, record national debt, economic recessions, increased poverty rates, increased unemployment rates and a huge widening of the income gap between the middle class and the super wealthy. It is clear to anyone with a 5th grade education or anyone who has had to survive as a regular, common, everyday American, that this mess we find America entangled in IS NOT THE MAKING OF THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION.

Now, can you explain to me how this state of shit, we find America in today is POTUS Obama's fault??

POTUS Obama has been in office for exactly 573 days today...
Is it humanly Possible for a mere Man, and not a God, to correct 20 years of fucked up decisions by the past 3 RepubliCANT POTUS in 573 days?

I'll accept any and all answers to this burning question....If ANYONE knows any RepubliCANT/teabagger/white supremacists/Obama hater out there, please pass this question to them for an answer.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use The Facts & Truth."

Thursday, August 26, 2010

American Freedoms

Written By Jueseppi B,

This is my final post on the false, made up, fake, pseudo controversy over the Cordoba House, Islamic Cultural Center in New York. Fact is people, if Glenn BeckThePeckerHead is allowed to hold his rally on the Mall steps where MLK gave his "I Have A Dream Speech", on the 47th anniversary of that historical event, (That is scheduled for This Saturday August 28th), and THAT disgraceful, staged fiasco is OK.......
Why is a Mosque INSIDE The Islamic Cultural Center NOT OK???

According to the first amendment rights of ALL Americans, the Mosque planners and the followers of Islam have a right to build a Mosque where they can afford to buy land. It is not open for discussion because we Americans might have some opposition to the faith of those building this place of worship. The same principle applies to freedom of speech and the right to peacefully assemble.

I hate racist, but will fight for their right to have a parade or a rally, such as what BeckThePeckerHead has planned for August 28th, to mark the 47th Anniversary of MLK's "I Have A Dream Speech". That is so wrong to me that he do such a disgusting thing to the memory of all who died during the horror of America during the 60's. BUT it is his right to do this.
The number of those killed during 400 years of slavery/civil rights war and other atrocities based on race, far outnumbers the people killed on 9/11. But BeckThePeckerHead is being allowed to hold his mockery of the MLK speech with very little protest.  Why??

Why is his disrespect of the historical civil rights movement and all those lives lost, any more of a matter of disrespect than what Americans FALSELY claim this Islamic Cultural Center represents??

The answer is racism, as usual. Americans think, and they are dead wrong, that whatever they want, they can have simply by getting ugly and nasty. Racist Americans, with their fear of ANYTHING NOT American or Christian, are dead wrong. The United States Constitution does not work just for what racist Americans want.....The United States Constitution works for ALL Americans. Me, You, "them" and "they". Including Glenn BeckThePeckerHead.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Remember In "NO"vember.

Written By Jueseppi B.

Remember In "NO"vember:
Do Not forget all the obstructing of bills the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers were responsible for, bills that needed to become laws for the sake and well being of ALL Americans. Unemployment Benefits Extension, Health Care Reform, Student Loan Reform, Wall Street Reform,... this list is endless. Vote for the party who wants to reform all that is wrong with America. Vote Democratic In "NO"vember.

Remember In "NO"vember:
Racist propaganda is being used daily to discredit POTUS Obama. His faith is being called into question each day. Why? Does separation of church and state not apply if the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers decide to spew hatred, rhetoric and lies using religion and politics? In America, one's religion has nothing to do with one's politics, OR his/her ability to govern. Vote for the party who believes in Freedom of Religion & The First Amendment. Vote Democratic In "NO"vember.

Remember In "NO"vember:
RepubliCANTS/teabaggers say they will "tweak" or "take a look at" or "remove altogether", Social Security, IF they win a majority in "NO"vember. If the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers gain control of either The Congress or The Senate after the mid term elections, they have said they will move from the party of "NO" to the party of "Repeal". Every single thing POTUS Obama and his administration has accomplished in 21 months in office will be overturned, wiped out, gone. Vote for the party that wants change for your betterment, change for better lives for you and your loved ones. Vote Democratic In "NO"vember.

Remember In "NO"vember:
If you are an American who has benefited in any way from any program, law, resolution idea, legislation, appointment, ordinance, or ruling that POTUS Obama, or his White House administration  was responsible for.....If you believe religion is a freedom ALL Americans deserve,....If you hate racist, and racial discrimination,....if you want an America that is for ALL people of ALL skin colors,......If you truly believe America is the Home Of The Free & Land Of The Brave,.....If you want America to continue to Move Forward and NOT Be Taken "BACK",..... Vote for the party that also believes in THIS type of America. Vote Democratic In "NO"vember

Proudly & Loudly Supporting Barack Hussein Obama!!

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth".

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Common Sense Says....

Written By Jueseppi B.

Common Sense Says:
If POTUS Obama is a Muslim, what does that mean? Can anyone who is in opposition to him being a Muslim please explain the difference between Obama being a Muslim and being a Christian? Or a Buddhist? Or an Agnostic? Or an Atheists? Or a Methodists?

Common Sense Says:
If The Stimulus Package Program put millions of people to work and boosted national output by hundreds of billions of dollars in the second quarter, and boosted real GDP in the quarter by between 1.7 percent and 4.5 percent, adding at least $200 billion in economic activity, why are the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers against it?

Common Sense Says:
When does the First Amendment right apply to ALL religious places of worship, and when does it NOT apply to  places of worship we don't like? Who decides which religion we like and which religion we don't want the First Amendment to include?

Common Sense Says:
Do the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers really think us Americans who voted for POTUS Obama are not intelligent enough to recognize their tactics of obstructing government, to make OUR choice for Leader of this nation, look bad to voters come "NO"vember 2012? We Won't Forget.

Common Sense Says:
Why are there soooooo many unqualified, uninformed, and unintelligent candidates for public elected offices in the RepubliCANT/teabagger party? Why do they wish to remove all the programs set up by past POTUS to support Americans?

Common Sense Says:
If "We The People" want to take America Forward,..... 
If "We The People" wish to remain on the path to recovery after eight years of Dubbya crippling our nation,....
If "We The People" need  to continue to repair our economy, and create jobs....
"We The People" MUST stand UNITED.
"We The People"  Must Show we want the Truth & Facts.
"We The People"  Will Shout Proudly & Loudly, Our Support For POTUS Obama.
"We The People"  Shall Vote democratic In "NO"vember.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

Monday, August 23, 2010

The First Amendment & Cordoba House

Written By Jueseppi B.

The First Amendment definition: The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law "respecting an establishment of religion", impeding the free exercise of religion, infringing on the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances

The original text: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

As the First Amendment applies to Cordoba House, it is abundantly clear. Not ONE Politician has any right to come out for or against a place of religious worship being built on United States Of America soil. According to our First Amendment rights.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".

Crystal Clear are the words that come to mind after reading this. Cordoba House will be built, exactly where is is proposed/planned to be built. The United States Constitution say so.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."