Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Now What?

Written By Jueseppi B.

This lame duck session in the House/Senate, has been suggested by "experts" as being historic. There have been 5 bills pushed through both bodies of legislature since last week. All significant in their importance to middle and lower class Americans.

Following is an excerpt from The Washington Post.... "The six-week session that was expected to reflect a weakened president has turned into a surprising success. On Wednesday, Obama signed into law the repeal of the military's ban on openly gay service members, and the Senate approved a new nuclear treaty with Russia that the president had declared a top priority.
Those accomplishments come after Obama successfully negotiated a free-trade agreement with South Korea, reached a deal with Republicans that extended unemployment benefits and prevented a tax hike for millions of Americans and signed a bill that will make school lunches healthier.
This blitz of bill signings completes a dramatic first two years for the nation's first black president that included the enactment of arguably the most major liberal policies since the Johnson administration but also the Democrats' biggest loss of House seats in 72 years".

My question to the 
"RepubliCANTS/Teabaggers/Conselfishservatives/Reich wingnuts/racists caucasians/white supremacists groups" AND Democrats and fence sitting Progressives & Independents is this....NOW WHAT? Now what are you going to complain about? Now what are you going to bitch & moan over? Now what can you think up, to jump off the Obama Train???

POTUS Obama didn't do anything for the 99ers yet? POTUS Obama didn't cure the world's hunger problem yet? POTUS Obama didn't cure Cancer yet? He didn't lower the national deficit yet? POTUS Obama didn't solve the problem facing time travel yet? Global warming, POTUS Obama didn't get around to that problem yet. Oh wait....he has only been in office half a term!!! Ok, Now I understand....if we impatient Americans were to give him a FULL term, four years instead of two....maybe, just maybe he will continue to astonish his critics, RepubliCANTS/teabaggers alike.

Now What?? I ask this question with the answer all ready in my head.
"RepubliCANTS/Teabaggers/Conselfishservatives/Reich wingnuts/racists caucasians/white supremacists groups" AND Democrats and fence sitting Progressives & Independents will start up with the question of his place of birth, or you might resurrect his religious affiliation, or you just might bring back up his vacation plans over the Christmas holidays.....right?  
Anything to get "that nigger out of the WhiteMans House.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use The Facts & Truth."

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