Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day.

Written By Jueseppi B.

Election Day Is Here. The arguing, the lying, the misinformation, the negative advertisements, the name calling, the facts, the truth, the biased media efforts, the big corporations, the fabricated reports and grafts and polls, the charts and blackboards....all these things will now mean jack shit. The pundits, the experts, the pollsters, the canvassers, the robocallers, the phone banks, all the volunteers, all the lawn sighs and all the campaign literature, all that shit is now gone.

The only thing that matters today is casting your vote for you. For which party will help your family in the long run. Which party will help you remain employed? Which party will help you if/when you become unemployed? Which party is interested in middle America? Which party will not cut more jobs by abolishing government departments and abolishing government programs? Which party will NOT remove Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, and social programs designed to help less fortunate Americans? Which party passed a Health Care Law to allow your pre existing condition to be cared for? Which party had to fight tooth and nail to get every important piece of legislation past the obstructionists other party?

I have always believed Americans are not stupid or slow or fat and lazy. Us Americans are intelligent, informed, knowledgeable and  honest hard working people. We know the difference between a lie, misinformation, false facts, made up issues, and the outright bull shit ploy to deflect the real issues AND the  facts, truth, research, logic and common sense. 
Tuesday The Second of "NO"vember, TwentyTen is We The People Day here In America. Vote America, Vote for the Party that gives you the safer, better story. Vote for the party that cares about ALL Americans not just the wealthy Americans.

SO...tonight after the polls are closed, and the votes are all counted, and we are all settling down to watch the results on our favorite news show....remember this....If you want to keep whet you have struggled for, worked hard to get, sacrificed everything to attain all that you have,....only one party is interested in helping you continue to prosper. I say America/Americans are intelligent enough to KNOW which party is for them. And which party wants to take America "back" to a worse time.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use The Facts & Truth!!"
            {Rangers Lead The Way}

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