Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Airport Security: Body Scan Or Body Bag?

Written By Jueseppi B.

Airport Security: Body Scanner Or Body Bag Is Explained Below.........

It appears that there is some confusion/discussion/debate over this issue of having to walk through a body scanning machine in order to board a flight at the airports. From what I read, you either walk through the body scanner, or you have the option for a body "pat down", and the moaning and groaning is that both of these new security measures are violating civil rights, and personal civil liberties. Some are even going as far to say it is sexual harassment, saying the "wand" that has been used in the past should be sufficient.

I am not an airport security specialists, but I have flown frequently in airports before 911, and after 911. It does takes longer for the entire flight process, there are many new hoops to jump through. The thing to ponder is this...would you rather walk through the body scanner or be placed into a body bag? That question brings us straight to the heart of the matter. Pure and simple. Airport Security that is technologically advanced or death?

Yes, it is a new system, and has to have all the bugs removed, and that takes time. I personally would love to have some TSA agent's warm hands touching my personal private's rather than a morgue attendant's cold hands trying to locate body parts to reassemble after an airplane I was a passenger on was disintegrated by a bomb blast. But that's just me. So ask yourself, do you want your children, your family members, or your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/lover, traveling across this planet, without the latest up to date technology protecting them? Just so you can have some false sense of your civil liberties still intact?

Both, the "Pat Down" and the Body Scanning Machine are a lot to ask us "in a hurry, no time to die" Americans. I understand getting to Aunt Lucy's humble abode is earth shattering, and leaving early enough to do the whole airport security thing never occurred to you. 

So tell me, what would  your last thoughts be, as you are seated on a hijacked aircraft, 15 terrorists mulling around with automatic weapons, bombs strategically placed throughout the aircraft, all brought on board by passengers NOT scanned or hand checked? Think you'd be bitching and screaming about civil liberties? Think you'd be concerned about how the Nazi's started out this very same way by taking away freedoms from the Jewish people? (Yes, I had some idiot use that very same analogy to me two days ago)

Here's what I say, and I say it Proudly & Loudly. POTUS Obama is doing everything possible and needed, to protect ALL people who travel to and from the United States Of America. BUT because POTUS Obama is the person doing the protection, planning and backing of these efforts to protect us, it gets criticized. No surprise there. Here is what does surprise me...America is stupid. Again.
911 taught us this if nothing else....people hate us, want to kill us, and have the capability to do just that.

How do we respond? We secure and protect ourselves. If that means I get patted down by TSA agents, or walk through a body scanner, or have to leave home an hour fucking what??
I arrive at my destination a little late, or a little touched in private places, or someone gets to see my body on a scanner monitor. But guess what? I arrive ALIVE!!!

Airport Security: Start By Walking Through A Body Scanner, Or End Up In A Body Bag.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."

1 comment:

  1. I stand 100% with President Obama on this. He wakes up thinking about how to keep America safe.... He goes to bed with the same thoughts...And it is with him 24/7 every waking moment. I say Thank God we have a President that cares and I Thank God for his giving us a President to do the best possible to keep us safe!
    Sincerely and thanks for your message to us all.
