Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Written By Jueseppi B.

I've said this before and I'm going to sat it again, right now. POTUS Obama, his Presidential legacy and his administration are not going to be stained by the national debt. When you look back, years from now, and think of the POTUS and what he accomplished and how he handled the adversity of being this Nations First Black American President, what will you remember?

That glorious election night in Grant Park, Chicago? The joy and elation felt at realizing you were a part of history? That good feeling of how America had suddenly risen above petty racial judgments?
Where has all that "good feeling" gone?

For Us Americans who are intelligent, critical thinkers, who use common sense and logic, the feeling of having voted for the right candidate has gone nowhere at all!! For the rest of you....that feeling was fake. You never wanted this man as POTUS. You are what I call a "fair weather fan". When the team is on a win streak, and hitting on all cylinders, you are right there with the rest of America.....cheering. Soon as two or three losses arrive, you abandon ship like a wet stinking rat.

Here are a few examples of the rats among us........Sickening

I'm so disappointed.," Maher said. "And I still like him and still think there's hope he could get it yet, but I'm so disappointed that he just seems to be another in a long line of Democrats that come across as wimpy and wussy ... and of not standing up for what they believe in enough

  • Robyn Buckins I agree with Bill Maher
    8 minutes ago · 

  • Kent Morse As do I - and I STILL support this POTUS! So pull your "big boy" pants and get the hell over it Mr. President! Do the job "we" hired you to do! And Thank you for bringing some semblance of honor back to the presidency of America.
    4 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Judy Kolbaba Look, I just don't know WHAT to believe, anymore! I keep hoping against hope that he has a plan and suddenly, we will wake up one day and his plan would have succeeded and he would have, as well. I'm still praying he will be the man I voted for.

    We happen to be in the middle of a Presidential term, thats two years into a four year term, which mean this POTUS has had half of his given time to accomplish his agenda. But we have those fair weather fans ready to tell everybody who will listen....."wait till next year!"

    The word diplomat has no meaning to Americans who want it done yesterday, of course these Americans have never run for elected public office in their lives, and know nothing first attempting to handle issues as a diplomat. We have a group of so called Obama supporters who are hell bent on forcing the Commander In Chief in doing things to their satisfaction.


    I voted POTUS Obama into office for a four year term. I'll be voting him into office for another four year term, if he decides to seek the office of POTUS again in TwentyTwelve.
    MY vote is NOT based on whether POTUS Obama does every single thing I want him to do, like I want it done. My vote is based on success, intelligence, common sense, honor, character, love of family AND country, savvy, grace, diplomacy. 
    This POTUS has all that and the mastery of parliamentary procedures to make government work.

    "Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth." 

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