Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

POTUS Obama: Fucked If He Does & Fucked If He Don't!!

Written By Jueseppi B.

Over the past few weeks I've listened to Progressives, Independents, RepubliCANTS/teabaggers and all those "other" Parties out there voicing their opinions, ideas, thoughts about this Great POTUS.
Some critics say "Obama's too soft". Some critics say "Obama's too hard line and too arrogant". Some critics say "Obama does not care about the poor/ middle class". Some critics say "Obama is in the pocket of big business". Other critics say "Obama is a Muslim". Others critics say "Separation of church and state". Still some critics say"Obama spend too much, he is the reason the deficit is huge".

Fact One:
OK, Listen up all you fools. Yes, I called you fools. POTUS Obama is the first and ONLY POTUS who has been handed the herculean task of balancing America's trillion dollar deficit. Thats right Folks....NO other United States President, and there have been 43 of them, has ever had his Presidency hinge on the American deficit like the racists caucasians who are ass deep in American politics have hinged the deficit to Barack Hussein Obama's Presidency. POTUS Obama walked into office in January, 2009 with a trillion dollar deficit already left this Great Nation by none other than George Dubbya Bush. This is issue number one I have with the racists caucasian RepubliCANTS/teabaggers. It took Dubbya 8 years to fuck America the "white man" expects POTUS Obama to "fix" the deficit in 24 months.

Fact Two:
If POTUS Obama is indeed in the pocket of big business, explain the Wall Street Reform that big business fought tooth and nail to not have pass into law? Explain to me the reason why Banking reform in reference to mortgage and foreclosure laws are being fought to the death by the very same big business Obama is accused of bing in bed with? Health Care Reform is the nemesis of big if this POTUS is FOR big business...why did he pass Health Care Reform?? This is issue number two I have with the racists caucasian RepubliCANTS/teabaggers. You van NOT be FOR big business and do every thing to benefit the little guy.

Fact Three:
I could give a rats ass if POTUS Obama prays to Buddha or Christ, or Allah, or Jehovah, or Zeus, or Dr. Seuss , or Appolonia from Purple Rain, as long as he gets the damn job done doing what benefits the greatest number of Americans. I voted for POTUS Obama to reform health care, reform student loans, reform wall street, reform how government works...which is what a true Progressive is supposed to be all about. SO...Obama's religious choices mean jack shit to me...and if I am not mistaken, being that this is America, he has the liberty to worship freely as he see's fit, according to the United States Constitution. This is issue number three I have with the racists caucasian RepubliCANTS/teabaggers. Is Obama a Muslim, I don't care.

Fact Four:
There seems to be some confusion as to whether POTUS Obama cares for the poor/middle class. No I don't see where this confusion originates from. The Man has given 35 million Americans Health Care Coverage for the very first time in their lives, with a health Care Reform Law that benefits ALL Americans. Has helped every student in America with a student loan outstanding by passing the Student Loan Reform Law, has cut taxes, the biggest tax cut in history, for ALL Americans already, and has a list of accomplishments way too long to list here.

 BUT if you follow this link.......
you can see for yourself what he's been up to the past 24 months.This is issue number four I have with the racists caucasian RepubliCANTS/teabaggers. Obama is more for the poor/middle class than any POTUS I have ever seen.

Fact Four:
Lastly, lets address all those fake ass Obama supporters who are disillusioned over POTUS Obama's handling of whatever. Grow the hell up and stop whining because he didn't do something quick enough to suit you. There are still 2 years left in this mans first term. America voted George Dubbya Bush, two 4 years terms to fuck America UP, Obama surly needs/deserves/MUST have, his two terms to clean up Dubbya's mess. Hell after 8 years of Dubbya, Obama should have 16 terms to bring America Forward.You mad about what POTUS Obama has yet to accomplish according to your personal agenda??? Then you should have gotten off your ass, went out to vote in record numbers this past mid term and we Democrats would be driving the bus.

Bottom line is simply this...If you are an American and you voted for the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers...then you deserve to be unemployed, uncovered by health care insurance, uncovered by unemployment insurance, uncovered by social security, uncovered by any social services program. YOU should have voted Democratic and FOR POTUS Obama. Instead Of Voting Against That Nigger In The White House.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use The Facts & Truth."

1 comment:

  1. OUTSTANDING article!!! Voting against one's own needs and interests is not ignorance, it's idiocy.

    "Many stories were told as to what caused the extinction of the Vikings led by Erik the Red over 1000 years ago. The most likely story is they simply "lost the ability to adapt to changing conditions. Victims of hidebound thinking and of a hierarchical society dominated by the Church and the biggest land owners. In their reluctance to see themselves as anything but Europeans [racism, arrogance], the Greenlanders failed to adopt the kind of apparel that the Inuit [Indians] employed as protection against the cold and damp or to borrow any of the Eskimo hunting gear. They ignored the toggle harpoon, which would have allowed them to catch seals through holes in the ice in winter when food was scarce, and they seem not even to have bothered with fishhooks, which they could have fashioned easily from bone, as did the Inuit. Instead, the Norsemen remained wedded to their farms and to the raising of sheep, goats, and cattle in the face of ever worsening conditions that must have made maintaining their herds next to impossible."

    Rather than befriend the Inuits and learn how they had survived for centuries in those harsh conditions, it is thought their racism and arrogance caused their undoing and extinction.

    Any rational mind can see Obama has the answers we need to pull us out of the ditch. The choice is ours.
