Whether you're Black, White, Green, Purple, Brown, RepubliCANT, teabagger, Conselfishservatives, Reich wing nuts, racists caucasian, of a member of a white supremacists group, If you DO NOT support POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, this article will piss you off.
And I could give a shit.
There are only four types of Americans who dislike POTUS Obama, and they are ..
1). Racists Caucasians whom can't stand a "nigger" in the White house, and will vote, even against their own best interests, to have Obama become a one term President.
2). Stupid Americans who would rather listen to Faux Spews and the likes of Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, and other RepubliCANTS/teabaggers with a corporate backed agenda, than research and investigate and get informed about what is going on in American politics,
3). Colored Negro's, aka 'house niggers", who think that backing the white folks candidate will further their own selfish needs.
4). Black Americans who consider themselves educated, well informed and on the cusp of politics. I call these Negro's the "Pseudo Intellectual Nigger". These are the worst traitors to the American political survival. They tell you they won't vote for Obama unless he does "X, Y, Z" their way. But the problem is deeper than their selfishness, it goes to the real issue of The Democratic Party, and it's lack of leadership.
I have said it again and i'll say it once more, The mid terms was NOT a victory for the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers as it was a lost for the Democratic Party. There was virtually no promotion or marketing during the campaign. No selling of the accomplishments of POTUS Obama or his administration. The Democratic Party failed us Democrats. Then there is the failure of the Democratic voters.
We as Democratic voters, were lazy and lackadaisical and stupid. That coupled with very absent leadership, lost us the mid terms.
To the so called Democrats/Independents/Progressives/Liberals/Green Party members....POTUS Obama is a diplomat, a critical thinker who uses logic and common sense to gain his objective. He is not some in your face, bully, confrontational, my way or no way politician....if he were, that would make him a RepubliCANT/teabagger. I support POTUS Obama 300%, period. I voted for him to do a job, not for 2 years but for the entire 4 years of his first term.
To all you "Pseudo Intellectual Niggers", you disgust me, you are educated in book sense but intellectually bankrupt. This man is our leader, and we MUST support him.
4 More In TwentyTwelve.
Below are thee links to sites that show you and your ridiculous attitude, that this President has done more during his 24 plus months in office, Than George Dubbya Bush did in eights years.
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Fact & Truth.
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