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Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sickening PT. II

Written By Jueseppi B.

Last night, POTUS Obama compromised with the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers on the Bush Tax Cuts, so he could secure 13 months of unemployment benefits for the Millions of unemployed Americans.
Following are some headlines from all over the media world.

"Question For Obama: Why A Tax Cut Deal?"
"Liberal Dem's To Obama: Fight Harder"
"Obama Needs Nerve Perspective"
"Senate Dem's Criticize Tax Deal"

As you can see, there is no shortage of criticism against the actions of POTUS Obama.
How about some reactions from the American voter.........

Lloyd 'Tony' Cope
For once, just once I'd like to see the President not cave in. I would have been willing to ride this one out if President Obama had stuck to his pledge to end the tax cuts for America's top 2 percent of the wealthiest. That is what I wanted him to do. I wanted him to extend the tax cuts for America's middle-class.

  • Lloyd 'Tony' Cope I say when "the going gets tough the tough gets going." This isn't the first time those of us in the middle-class or lower class has faced adversity.
    48 minutes ago · 
  • Lloyd 'Tony' Cope We are Americans. When did we get so weak kneed? Play the whole game. Don't give up after the first quarter.

    Erin Winward Chatterton I agree. I wish the dems would grow a pair and stand up for what is RIGHT. Damn.

    Nadyne Rosin He knows how to fight in a campaign. Now he needs to learn how to fight for control of the media and his own party.

    In watching the news clip, it seems to have been a last ditch effort to gain extended unemploymnet. But if he weren't such a weakling, he could have found some way to get around their opposition without making this tragic concession.

    Scott McConkey sadly, perception & image play a large role in being President, and though I & some others here understand why he did what he did, the Independents probably won't understand ... he likely did come off looking 'weak' to that group & that's going to hurt

    In my opinion, President Obama has sold the Dems and the country out by extending the Bush tax cuts. I'm not very happy with this, how about you???

     Just a small sample of the reaction to POTUS Obama's compromise. Now after reading the tiny smattering of opinions, and a few headlines taken from the media....let me attempt to put this in a different light.

    Taken from the POTUS Speech on the tax cuts.....

    I'm not willing to see 2 million Americans who stand to lose their unemployment insurance at the end of this month be put in a situation where they might lose their home or their car or suffer some additional economic catastrophe.
    So, sympathetic as I am to those who prefer a fight over compromise, as much as the political wisdom may dictate fighting over solving problems, it would be the wrong thing to do.  The American people didn’t send us here to wage symbolic battles or win symbolic victories.  They would much rather have the comfort of knowing that when they open their first paycheck on January of 2011, it won’t be smaller than it was before, all because Washington decided they preferred to have a fight and failed to act.

    Do you Americans understand what you just read above? POTUS Obama was more concerned with securing 13 months of unemployment insurance benefits for MILLIONS of out of work Americans, rather than play a political game of tug of war with the selfish RepubliCANTS/teabaggers. POTUS Obama put the future of his re-election in doubt by angering
    stupid Americans, whose only solution, to any and all problems, is to fight. This amazing President put those MILLIONS of families who have no ca$h to pay rent, but food, pay medical bills or buy medication, those MILLIONS of Americans who live from paycheck to paycheck, this President put their needs above his own political dreams of a second term.

    Here's my response for stupid Americans who want a fight rather than a solution......
    President Obama said he would rather be a one-term president than give up on his agenda. That's not giving up, but he said early one he wouldn't play politics with peoples' lives. I agree 300%. American's everyday lives are more important than flexing imaginary Presidential muscle. I am Proudly & Loudly Supporting Barack Hussein Obama.

    If extending the Bush tax cuts puts food on the tables of Americans who would have lost their unemployment benefits, because the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers were holding those unemployment benefits hostage UNLESS their wealthy buddies also got a tax cut, tell me how you turn that down? How do you tell out of work Americans that you played a political game with their lives? Exolain how you talk your way through a Christmas or New Year season with NO check? 

    You "Democrats" Libreals, Independents and Progressives are bitching and calling the POTUS weak is it to put AMERICANS first, and playing the political game last?THIS POTUS put HIS re-election on the line to ensure unemployed American workers get unemployment insurance, especially now during the holiday season. You "rats", leaving a ship you caused to sink, disgust me. Unemployed Americans should come first. ALWAYS. I Proudly & Loudly Support Barack Hussein Obama, and Fuck Anyone Who Does Not Support Barack Hussein Obama.

    "Disagree Intelligently, Use The Facts & Truth."

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