defined by Wikipedia: A filibuster (also known as talking out a bill is a type of parliamentary procedure. Specifically, it is a form of obstruction in a legislature or other decision-making body whereby a lone member can elect to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a proposal.
The term "filibuster" was first used in 1851. It was derived from the Spanish filibustero, which translates as "pirate" or "freebooter." This term had evolved from theFrench word flibustier, which itself evolved from the Dutch vrijbuiter (free outsider). This term was applied at the time to American adventurers, mostly from Southern states, who sought to overthrow the governments of the Northern and Central states. This is not a reference to the American Civil War, but rather, to adventurers from the southern United States in Central and South America. Later the term was applied to the users of the filibuster, which was viewed as a tactic for pirating or hijacking debate.
My question is simply this, what does the filibuster accomplish, besides being a parliamentary procedural tool? Sen. Bernie Sanders has been filibustering since 10:25 am EST and he ended it at approximately 7 pm. That's eight and a half hours. I admire Sen. Sanders, and every thing he said was important and correct. My question is this....He addressed POTUS Obama as often as he could leading me to believe he was directing this filibuster to the President Of The United States.
Does Sen. Sanders think POTUS Obama is stupid? Does he think that POTUS Obama, as POTUS, does not have this very same information available to him? Does Sen. Sanders think that spending eight and a half hours on the Senate floor repeating what POTUS Obama has been repeating since before he was elected, AND every time he appealed to the legislators for an extension to unemployment insurance, was indeed necessary?
And of course you have a ton of fools applauding Sen. Sanders for his filibuster. Problem is, in the end, filibusters serve no purpose. Well maybe in a movie, such as was used in two famous movie scenes from the past. But in real life filibusters are for entertainment, because ask yourself this...what good came out of this filibuster? Did we as Americans need a U.S. Senator to spend over eight hours telling us what we already know? Did we Americans even spend eight hours plus, listening to what Senator Sanders had to say?? Have NOT we Americans not been told the importance of NOT extending these Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy, BY POTUS Obama, since his campaign back in 2007?
Truth is, voting Democrats, and the Democratic Party leadership, failed to do their job during the Mid Term elections. Had the voting Democrats got out and voted instead of sitting on their asses, and had the Democratic Party marketed itself and promoted the 244 plus accomplishments of POTUS Obama, this entire Bush Tax Cut/Unemployment Insurance Extension fiasco would be a moot point. POTUS Obama has been telling us Americans, since his 2008 election campaign, all about these dreaded Bush Tax Cuts. Why they needed to be allowed to expire AND why they are bad for America. NOW, had us Americans listened waaaaay back then, and voted for the Party that wanted to allow them to expire, BUT keep the tax cuts in place for the lower/middle class,....well you get my drift.
NOW we choose to hail Sen. Sanders as a Messiah, because he decided to spend eight and a half hours on the floor of the Senate, telling us, oh so concerned Americans, why the deal MY POTUS Obama worked out with a RepubliCANT/teabagger gun to his head, is such a bad deal for America's future. I got news for you fair weather rats jumping off what you consider to be a sinking ship, POTUS Obama told you ignorant fools why this was a bad deal over TWO years ago......The Real Messiah Here Is One POTUS Barack Hussein Obama. Doubt that fact?? Ask The Millions Of Unemployed Out Of Work Broke Ass American Families .......ask them who the real Messiah Is. Stupid Americans Disgust Me.
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."
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