Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
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Saturday, November 6, 2010

You Can't Fix Stupid (America).

Re Posted By Jueseppi B. From Mr. Michael Douglass

I'm so fucked up over the way America behaved this Past Tuesday until I ain't got the words right I am "borrowing" words from Mr. Michael Douglass....he says it so beautifully don't you agree??

Well that sucked.
We just witnessed a bunch of under informed, corporate manipulated, over zealous right wing neanderfucks collectively take fists to to their own genitalia.  I’m always in awe when witnessing the great unwashed vote against it’s own interests and therefore those of the rest of us.  Makes me reach for the bottle.  The advent of the Tea Party alone has turned me into a stumbling, mumbling, albeit self righteous, inebriate this campaign season.
There’s copious tragedy to be had for sure.  How many gratuitous witch hunts, baseless persecutions and attempted impeachments does it augur?  A midterm toxic gift that will keep giving for some time.  A harbinger of doom.  The gastrointestinal of every logical, compassionate and sensible American is about to be challenged and no doubt frequently compromised into violent spasms of the peristaltic kind.
Rachel Maddow nailed it the other night when she pointed out that Democrats by and large have spent the last eighteen months pursuing policy over politics.  This much to the chagrin of the party faithful, some of whom regard it as weakness.  I confess I have seen it as such from time to time, though I was legitimately chafed over the absence of will to defend those policies.  Too much timidity by not vehemently and adamantly running on them.  Excellent and earnest policies.
Democrats too often enjoy the distinction of being fierce pussies.
President Obama rightly lamented the loss of some bold and courageous public servants yesterday.  He didn’t name names so I will.
Joe Sestak One of the highest ranking military officers to ever serve in the legislative branch (rear admiral), Sestak also earned a Master of Public Administration and a PhD in political economy.  One smart dude.  He’s pro choice, pro education, pro middle class, pro environment, pro health care reform and pro medical marijuana.  I have a soft spot for socially liberal military guys like Sestak and former presidential candidate Wesley Clark.
It bears mentioning that this one stung because his opponent, Pat Toomey is a complete tool.  He ‘s a dumbass.  He headed the Club for Growth, enough said.
Alan Grayson An outspoken man with an indefatigable courage for his convictions. Defeated by a goofcock teabagger. The man who famously characterized the Republican health care plan on the floor of the House and on national television as “Don’t get sick, and if you do get sick, die quickly.”  He defended his comment and in a House Floor speech stated, “I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven’t voted sooner to end this holocaust in America.”  He founded a website called to “memorialize Americans who die because they don’t have health insurance.” and read stories submitted to it on the House floor.  He said of those attending the Glenn Beck rally to “restore honor”, “These are people who were wearing sheets over their heads 25 years ago.”  Grayson introduced legislation this year that would allow Americans to buy into medicare.  Then there’s this ringing endorsement from Sarah Palin, “It’s okay if the Republicans lose every seat in the Senate and the House except for one. As long as that one is Alan Grayson losing.”  I love anyone or anything that stupid bitch loathes.
Hard to find fault with a loudmouth who isn’t full of shit in cesspool of ones that are.
Russ Feingold He did his damndest for campaign finance reform and that is perhaps my number one issue.  He was the only Senator to vote against the Patriot Act because he actually read it.  He’s returned some $70,ooo in pay raises that he vowed not to accept. Since being elected to the senate in 93, Feingold has returned $3.2 million to the treasury from his office budget.  He voted against authorizing President Dumbya to use military force in Iraq in 02.  In 05, he was the first to call for troop withdrawl from Iraq.  Twice he introduced resolutions to censure Dumbya.  He favored and fought for single payer/universal health care.  He was one of the handful of Senators to openly support same sex marriage.  He actually walked out of a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting before a constitutional amendment vote to prohibit same sex marriage.  No soft money, very little corporate money, voluntarily capped his own campaign budget, discouraged lobbying groups from campaigning or spending money on his behalf.
Hey McCain, yo Palin, this is what a real goddamn maverick looks like.
I sincerely doubt the United States Senate will ever again enjoy such an honest and principled member as Mr. Feingold.  He has without question served his state and his country with a brand of sincere and honest integrity that’s been allowed to deteriorate into the archaic and all but obsolete.
Russ Feingold was defeated by another teabagging douchebag named Ron Johnson with no political experience but assloads of cash and  support from Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks.  Shame on you Wisconsin, you lose and so do the rest of us.
The new, less improved GOP, emboldened by the ignorant and even more cash infused by the plutocrats, has prevailed this inning with their slow pitch game of xenophobic jingoistic vitriol, distraction and deception.  However, metaphorically speaking, it is but a mere inning in a series of games the latest of which began sometime between 06 and 08.  What I’m trying to tell you is the ninth inning isn’t likely to occur until after 2012 and we’re still ahead.  We got our asses handed to us in a brutal and bloody battle but nobody’s won the war yet.
With any luck and a little serendipity, these fresh fools will stumble onto to the stage and wither under the lights.  And maybe Mitch McConnell’s stated goal of ensuring Obama is a one term president, as opposed to jobs and some meaningful and palpable sense of increased prosperity among the electorate, will further reveal him to be the one note dogmatic fool he so obviously is and lay bare the obstructionist avaricious priorities of the entire conservative/teabagger clusterfuck cabal.
But lest ye forget, you can’t fix stupid.
Fear can be on hell of a force multiplier, provided it’s impetus is the right one.  We can now justify being afraid.  Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to get your fear on.  It’s long since time you got your mad on.

"Disagree Intelligently, Use The Facts & Truth."

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