Written By Jueseppi B.
The Mid Terms are over. You voted RepubliCANT/teabagger because you watched Faux Spews tell you lie upon lie about what the Obama Administration was NOT doing. You believed the Beck's, the Palin's, the Limbaugh's, the Coulter's, the Hannity's and all the media on the right who made millions off of you sitting on the couch every evening tunning in to watch them lie and misinform you. You decided that it was better for you if that "nigger" was kicked out of the White House.
So Now What?
So You voted against the Democrats, and The Obama Administration. Against a health care plan that would provide ALL Americans with affordable coverage. Against a health care plan that would erase all that "pre-existing condition" bull shit. You voted against bailing out the troubled auto industry, not thinking of the jobs that were to be lost if the auto industry was allowed to fail. You voted against the Wall Street bailout...no clue how America would survive a collapse of the entire Wall Street system. Not to mention both bailouts have been repaid...something the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers never mention when attacking these bailouts.
So Now What?
You voted to abolish Social Security, even though you are getting a monthly check, you voted to abolish unemployment insurance, even though you are getting that assistance while you are out of work. You voted for the abolishment of the E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency), which is trying to save this planet, the abolishment of the Department Of Education...who needs education? You voted to abolish the I.R.S., because who needs taxation and the many things taxes buy/pay for?
So Now What?
You voted to abolish All social services to save money, and lower the deficit. No more W.I.C. (Women Infants Children), No more Food Stamps Program, No more Medicare/Medicaid. No more T.A.N.F. (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), No more welfare programs because lets face it....the only folks on welfare are lazy no good minorities. The bottom line is you voted against two years of positive accomplishments created by this POTUS and His Administration simply because this POTUS is a Black American.
So Now What?
How do you feed your family? Pay your mortgage? Afford health care? How do you get from paycheck to paycheck? How do you afford your medications? How do you secure a loan for a much needed new car? How about a home loan? Business loan? What happens to all that ca$h you've been paying into the Social Security system since you started working?
You voted for all these changes when YOU voted for the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers.
So I ask you.......This.....So Now What?
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."
Very nicely written. Course, who knew it was going to cause the stir it has thus far on Facebook? :-)