Ok....this news out today from Huffington Post and The Raw Story has America scratching it's head. The reports are that POTUS Obama is agreeing in the future, in theory, to extend the "Bush" tax cuts for ALL Americans, including the top 2% of Americans who are millionaires/billionaires. To me, this is exactly like having millionaires and billionaires go to a homeless shelter on Thanksgiving and go to the front of the line for Thanksgiving dinner, ignoring the millions of hungry and homeless people lined up who actually need the free meal.
I am confused and do not understand. This President campaigned on NOT extending this tax cut to the wealthy. Logically, there is no common sense reason to allow millionaires and billionaires any, I said ANY, tax cut. Why would Bill Gates, Warren Buffett or the Kock Brothers need help with taxes?? If this story is true, if it turns out to be what this President and his Administration are going to do, then I will no longer support this POTUS or his Administration.
I am hoping this report is a lie, because there is no bigger supporter of POTUS Obama than me, but if he allows the rich to control what he does, I will NO LONGER support him or his administration. Social Security and other social services program CAN NEVER BE abolished UNTIL a replacement service system is firmly in place. Americans who depend on these social services MUST not be left to hang in the wind, unprotected, while republicants/teabaggers are spending ca$h kick backs from the likes of the Kock Brothers, for slashing and abolishing social services programs. I am NOT a fair weather supporter of POTUS Obama, but I am not one of those Americans who can not think logically, there is no logic to allowing millionaires and billionaires to get a free hand out when they do NOT need a free hand out.
Before I close, one very important thing that most are over looking. There are many Americans in power right now who do NOT want a Black American in the White House. They have said publicly that they will do what ever is takes to remove him from office in TwentyTwelve. By Any Means Necessary. They have found a way to do just that. By making the deficit, and the budget, POTUS Obama's problem. Never mind there were 43 Presidents Of The United States before Obama....never mind that the past POTUS spent his entire TWO terms spending like crazy.
RepubliCANTS/teabaggers have decided that this Black American President, whom they have vowed to make a ONE TERM President, is the President who must tackle the United States Deficit. An impossible task for any POTUS to accomplish in two years. Anything he does to lower the deficit will make Americans unhappy with him, thus his re-election will be in danger.
Think about it....what American likes having services cut, taxes raised? What American will vote for a politician who tells them you have to give up this or that for the betterment of ALL America?
This deficit emergency is exactly like the BP oil spill, or more recently the "Ground Zero Mosque". It is an issue attached to THIS POTUS, designed to make him impossible to re-elect in TwentyTwelve.
Why do I say this? Because if POTUS Obama caves to the RepubliCANT/teabagger/Uber Rich, and does not do the "right thing".....he will have lost My vote.
"Disagree Intelligently, Use Facts & Truth."
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