Written By Jueseppi B.
Common Sense Says.......
The Palin's......Stupid Sarah Palin has made it publicly known she wants to be POTUS. And as an American, she has every right to aspire to the highest office of the land. Question is, does Stupid Sarah Palin have the qualifications to BE POTUS? She has no knowledge of United States Constitutional Law, no concept of governmental procedures, no intelligence on foreign policy, no geographical intelligence, two years experience as a Governor, not to mention she lacks a public image that would be beneficial to The United States abroad.
Stupid Sarah Palin has one daughter, Bristol, who was an unwed single teenage parent and is now involved in a cheating scandal on a popular TV celebrity dance show (DWTS). Another daughter, Willow, who is rumored to also be pregnant at age 16, and involved in a FB scandal in which she uses derogatory names to describe homosexual males.
Common Sense Says...........if Stupid Sarah Palin is unable to manage her family/household, how can she manage the White House or The United States Of America?
Common Sense Says.......
The Democratic Party is in trouble. One thing I learned from the Mid Term Elections was this, the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers are better organized and more focused on their one common goal,,,to remove "that nigger" from the White House. We, The Democratic Party, are fighting amongst ourselves, we can't get a common consensus on issues, we are selling out on major laws and bills, and we have no visible leadership. Tim Kaine is the DNC Chairman, and he is invisible. The Democrats should have been out front in the months leading up to these Mid Terms, promoting, marketing, and singing the praises of this POTUS and His administration. Just like the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers. They were so well organized spreading lies and misinformation, why were The Democrats nowhere to be found spreading the Facts & Truth??
America appears to be like a small child, who only remembers the last thing it hears before falling off to sleep at night. The last thing America should have heard on Monday the 1st of "NO"vember, was the success and the accomplishments of POTUS Obama, and all the BAD promises the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers were promising to implement if elected. Instead, all we Democrats heard crickets.
Common Sense Says.......
I don't understand Americans voting for a party who tells you up front, months before an election, that their party (RepubliCANTS/teabaggers) plans to strip you, (The American Voter), of your way to survival. The RepubliCANTS/teabaggers threatened to abolish vital social services, remove U.S. Government offices, and cut unemployment insurance benefits, which would erase jobs and increase poverty nation wide. BUT Americans still voted for the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers because they represented the "white vote".
Aw hell, we'd rather be poor, broke, destitute and unemployed as long all that happens in a "white man's" world,....right?? Lets bankrupt America, strip her of American jobs by out sourcing them over seas, and why not kill the entire planet, (by ignoring Global warming), we can blame that on the "nigger" in the White House as well. Lets repeal a working Health Care Plan that covers ALL Americans, many who are covered for the very first time, in favor of no viable replacement plan because that "nigger" came up with the good plan...and we just can't allow that shit now can we??
Common Sense Says.......
We The people need to remove American politics from the greedy money grubbing hands of corporations and take back our control of America. We need to return to an America where elections were not bought by the richest candidate or by the biggest corporate sponsor.
Democrats, we have 15 months until the Iowa Caucuses....we have much work to do.
How bout we start already? This lame duck session....Pass The Bills!!!!
"Disagree Intelligently, Use The Facts & Truth."
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