Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Off Subject, The Diabetes War.

I have diabetes, I was diagnosed two years ago in July of 2008. After ten days in the University of Iowa Hospital I had the big toe, on my left foot, saved from amputation by having a pic line in my chest to administer antibiotics while at home. Now two years later, and after being hard headed and NOT following all the doctor's advice and instruction, I had the tip of my great toe, on my right foot, removed last month. Sometimes the best lessons in life are learned the hard way. But it does not have to be that way.
I have to admit, I had not the best advice or information given to me from the start of this war. I always considered myself very intelligent, but it seems in matters of health concerning diabetes, I was the dumbest patient on this planet. I ignored the diagnosis, ignored the advice of my family doctor, even though she was not as knowledgeable as I would have liked. She is not an expert in diabetes and it was not until this week, when i attended a Diabetes Education Class, that I finally got the full scope of what this disease is all about. It is a full out daily war to survive.
This Diabetes Education Class is a wonderful tool, and very necessary for winning this war. If you have diabetes and have NOT taken this class, please sign up immediately. What you find online is incomplete, and supported by advertisers pushing their medical products. The Diabetes Education Class is marketing nothing but good health. In closing, I offer advise that I chose to ignore.....
1). Test your blood sugar at least 3 times a day, or as often as needed.
2). Take all your medication as scheduled, never skip, never be too busy.
3). Eat correctly, count your carbs/starches. See a Diabetic Dietitian.
4(. Understand the disease, research it, learn it's effects on ALL your organs.

As with any war, you fight small battles to ultimately win the war. The small battles with diabetes is controlling your blood sugar everyday.
I hope this helped some of you who are as hard headed as I WAS. I know some are reading this right now saying..." It will go away on it's own",....or thinking...." if I ignore this, I can beat diabetes by just changing what I eat, or losing some weight, or exercising ."
Treat the disease, educate yourself, and WIN this war.


  1. Well put Juesseppe! Daily vigilance is critical to managing this disease. Stay well friend.

  2. Thank U are a good friend, and a great American.
