In "NO"vember, if the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers win the majority of seats in either house of legislation, we Americans are going "back" to those days. Every piece of important major legislation passed and signed into law will be repealed if "they" are the majority. That means Health care Reform, Wall Street Reform, Student Loan Reform, all legislation that was passed and signed into law to help US Americans. Are we as a Nation even interested in going backwards? NO.
The RepubliCANTS/teabaggers have boasted of their plans to overturn every piece of major legislation of importance POTUS Obama has accomplished, they promise to take control of government and do things they way they want them done. How about the 69 million voters who gave POTUS Obama carte blanch to implement his agenda for changing this country from the mess George "Dubbya" Bush left America saddled with....into a vital, strong, proud America it should be??
Stand up in "NO"vember
Say "NO" to Wall Street spending OUR money.
Say "NO" to racist Governors/racist laws.
Say "NO" to repealing Health Care Reform FOR ALL AMERICANS
Say "NO" to big oil killing our land.
Say "NO" to racism and undercover white supremacists groups.
Say "NO" to unemployment benefits denied.
Say "NO" to rewriting history into "TheirStory".
Say "NO" to the RepubliCANTS/teabaggers.
Vote Democratic In "NO"vember.
Common Sense Says: Say "NO" In "NO"vember
Jueseppi B.
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