Erase Racism Now.....Welcome!

Hello, This is a blog dedicated to erasing racism from this society, while supporting our POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to all and enjoy following my thought and efforts.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Common Sense Says....

Common Sense Says......
How on earth can U hate a man who accomplishes things for U that benefit U?
Have U ever applied for health insurance only to be told to list all "pre-existing
conditions" and then have those "pre-existing conditions" disallowed?
Or are UNemployed and have no health care at all?
Or work everyday but can't afford health care to be deducted from your already
small paycheck? Then the Health Care Reform Law is helping U.
Common Sense Says.......
Have U or someone in your family or friends taken out
student loans to pay for college? The average dollar amount for 4 years college
expense is right at $100K. That is a lot to have hanging over your head as you
start your life post college. Then The Student Loan Reform Act is helping U.
Common Sense Says.......
Think The Wall Street Reform Law is not your concern..
here is a link to convince U that U are so very wrong,....
Unless U are a Wall Street Banker or own a Wall Street Investment House, U will
benefit from Wall Street Reform.
Common Sense Says.......
Every last one of the "Reform" Legislation introduced and signed into law
by this POTUS is going to help those who need help the most.....common, everyday
hard working, average Americans like U. And Me. Funny thing is, or confusing thing
those exact folks who need the reform laws, who these reforms will help the most, are
the ones fighting them, and the man responsible for them.

"Disagree Intelligently"
Jueseppi Baker

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